4: Hair

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Luke: hi Cal

Cally: OMG HI

Luke: hi

Cally: where did you go?

Luke: I talked to Michael

Cally: ... And?

Luke: he uh, he wouldn't tell me who you are

Cally: oh

Cally: okay

Luke: yeah

Cally: I like your hair Luke

Luke: what?

Cally: I. Like. Your. Hair.

Luke: *blushes* thanks

Luke: I bet yours looks nice to

Cally: *too

Cally: thanks

Luke: so... Do you like my flower crowns?

Cally: yes

Cally: very very much

Luke: really?

Cally: yes they turn me on

Luke: what?

Cally: oh shit, I didn't mean to write that, I just meant to think it

Luke: ... Okay

Cally: are you going to stop wearing them now?

Luke: no, why would I stop?

Cally: because I said they turn me on

Luke: *smirks* maybe I'll use that to my advantage

Cally: what do you mean?

Luke: are you in any of my classes?

Cally: way to avoid the question

Cally: why?

Cally: Math

Luke: great

Cally: why is it great?

Luke: do you like it when I play with my hair?

Cally: why? And yes, very much

Cally: and I like it when you bite your lip

Cally: it's hot

Luke: thanks

Luke: I guess

Cally: your welcome babe

Luke: I have to go cal, I'll talk to you later

Cally: baby, I wanna talk

Luke read your message.

Cally: Lukey

Luke read your message.

Cally: ugh fine

Cally: ttyl bye babe xxx

Luke read your message.


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