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-kth pov
i was so confused at the moment. maybe baekhyun knew why she snapped at me.

do u know wat happened to chloe?


i saw her walking wit bam, so i went over and asked her if she was ok, but she snapped and said she never wants to see me again

that's something that is only kept between us two

plz tell me

no she trusts me.

why are my two best friends from childhood keeping secrets from me all of a sudden? i keep her secrets right? nevermind i'm just lying to myself i've told everything to jungkook and baekhyun.

-cl pov
hanging out with bambam lately has been the most breath taking moments of life. he has shown me a new way of living. but things between taehyung and i are sort of icy.

he's been asking me why i'm mad at him. i turn around and act like i didn't hear him. i don't know why i'm so mad at him, maybe for kissing another girl? i don't even know who she is.

"chloe." i turn to see a frightful face. i quickly fasten my pace, but he grasps my forearm.

"look i know your mad at me for kissing jahye." woah he kissed my cousin? "i overheard baekhyun telling bambam why you were so mad at me and it's because you like me, and i have the same feelings as you." taehyung smiled, but this time his smile did not make my heart flutter, instead i felt of pain.

"you kissed my cousin. doesn't that mean you like her too? anyways i don't have the same feelings anymore. so for now, farewell." i look up at him nicely smiling as i leave him.
"hi!" bambam smiles.
"hey." i start walking away, but before i can he grabs me from behind.
"you think you can escape from me?" he says in a funny voice. i giggle, his fingers were tickling at my side.

"let's walk home together i'll even walk you to the front door."
"...but i don't want you to."
"too bad i wanna walk you home."
"you suck." i pout.
"you choke, but it's ok." he laughs as i playfully hit him.

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