| fifteen |

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jungkook grabbed taehyung's collar and dragged him out of the room.

just as i walked out of the hospital someone grabbed me. putting a cloth over my mouth i pass out.

"tae?" i groan seeing his face.
"hi honey." he smiles, "you're finally awake."
"you really hurt my feelings, but it's ok because we'll be back together."

he watches me as i tremble in fear.
"taehyung let me go. please." i plead. he didn't tie me up or anything. i was just smart enough to know if i ran or hit him or anything dumb like that my life would be on the line.

we lay on his bed. the bed baekhyun, tae, and i used to sleep on all together. we told spooky stories and even binge watched movies in this very room. and i think my very last tragic moment alive will be done in this room full of great memories.

"i'm sorry honey, but no can do. i'm not letting you get out of my sight again. i'll hurt you like the others."
"you're crazy."
his stare hardens,
"don't talk back."

i look at him trying to find a way to get him to be at least a bit normal. or a way to find a flaw that would let me escape, but of course, nothing.

he cuddles me as i lay as still as possible, it felt like i was being enclosed with rose thorns, or cactuses and if i moved i'd be pricked to death.

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