| ten |

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thankfully baekhyun and i woke up alive. while getting ready i received a call from an unknown number.

"hello is this chloe?"
"i'm sorry to tell you but your mom got into an accident and she died right there on the spot, the driver that hit her car wasn't as injured as she was, he just got a slight bruise on his forehead so best wishes to you goodbye, i'm sorry for your loss."

tears slid down my cheeks.
"chloe are you ok?." baekhyun asked.
"i can't believe it. m-my mom died." i sob.

i tried so hard to stop crying, she was the only person that wanted to take care of me, but i'm all by myself again. i'm adopted but they never changed my last name because they thought it was unique. i sigh walking out the door.

"chloe!" bambam pulls me into a hug. i don't respond, he knows something is up.

"what's wrong?" bambam held my shoulders looking into my eyes that bore into his.
"i'm sorry BamBam, i know we just got together but i don't want to date anymore."
"what, why? Is that why you're crying? who said you couldn't date me?" he frowned.
"no, it's not like that at all i just need some time to be alone." i retorted.

"we still be friends right?" I nod walking away from him. the rest of the day i ignored everybody, until i went to lunch and saw something.

i saw tae with a little bruise on his forehead, he was limping, what made it worse was he was talking normally with jungkook.

questions flew through my brain,
'does jungkook even know what happened with mom?'

'was taehyung the one who caused the accident?'

'is this a coincidence?'

'why hasn't jungkook straightened him out like i asked?' they stroll towards me. but why would i want to talk to dumb and dumber 2. i dashed out of there.

i went up to my hideout. bambam ran up to me and kissed me passionately. shocked, i hesitate before giving in, wrapping my arms around his neck. he pulled away for some air.

"baekhyun told me what happened but you don't have to break up with me i promise to help you through all of this." i jumped on him and hugged him, surprisingly he was holding me up. how could his pocky stick legs hold me i weigh a ton.

i tried to let go but he kept holding us swaying us around he whispered,
"so will you be mine again?"
"of course you idiot."
"hey don't call me that you love me!!" he whined. "ok whatever you want lillo baby now can you let me down."

instead of doing that he put his head in the crook of my neck, i felt him smirk.
"bambam what are you doing?"

he starts to pepper kisses on my neck.
"hey what are you guys-" he stopped and let me down. i turn around looking at bambam's six friends standing there with big smirks but jinyoung's face looked like he had seen a ghost.

"...what are you guys doing in here?" bambam rubbed the nape of his neck.
"we were looking for you and we found c'mon guys let's get out of here." jaebum flustered.

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