| eight |

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while i was getting ready to go hang out with jongin my other friend, i got a text from bambam telling me to meet him at the park because he wanted to talk.

in all seriousness i was kinda nervous but i wanted to go, but then i thought about jongin, he'd be mad at me for cancelling last minute. again. too bad i want to hang out with bambam.

i texted jongin, surprisingly he wasn't mad. i put on my converse and walk to the park. bambam sat on the bench playing with his phone.

"hi." i smiled. he looked up and i could see he was nervous. "what's wrong bambam?"
wait here i have something to give you." he quickly gets up, i sit on the bench watching children run around.

taehyung saw me and smiled, he started walking towards me and i got scared, i don't know why. "what are you doing here all by yourself chloe?" taehyung smirked.

"i'm not by myself i'm waiting for-" his lips attached to mine. i was too shocked to do anything. he pulled away and smirked. i smacked his cheek. "don't kiss me you jerk."

i looked at bambam with a bouquet of roses in his hands. he drops them angrily storming off. i tried running after him, but he was too fast.

i walk back to the park taehyung smirks, i ignore his advances grabbing the roses and leaving.

taehyung followed,
"go away, you've done enough already."
"oh trust me this is only the beginning i love you and you'll love me soon." great, jahye has managed to turn another one of her boy toys crazy like her.

i run home and lock the door, locking all the windows and pulling the blinds shut. terrified, i decide to call my big brother that tends not to act like one.

"jungkook help me."
"what now."
"taehyung is going crazy like last time." i reminisce about that one time he hung out with jahye in middle school.
"aigoo fine i'll see what i can do." he hangs up the phone, but as soon as he does knocks could be heard from the door.

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