| twelve |

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the following year chloe and baekhyun were closer than ever. chloe no longer lives with mark, living by herself. she had cut mark and bambam completely out of her life after they both fell for jahye.

-cl pov
baekhyun introduced me to his friends. i learned their names fairly quick. i call them by their given names, minseok, junmyeon, jongin, chanyeol which is baekhyun's new best friend. kyungsoo, yixing, jongdae, and the one i adored the most, sehun.

"chloe what are you thinking so hard about?" baekhyun asked, we've know each other so long we can tell each others moods by our facial expressions.

"nothing." i'm thinking about what he said at my supposed to be wonderful wedding. i've gotten over bam and i've never been so proud, well other than graduating.

baekhyun violently shook me,
"why do you keep zoning out?" he had never sound that serious before.
"sorry i'm just thinking. " my voice trailed off. "hyung is she always like this?" sehun looked genuinely worried.

"no. i don't know what's wrong with her, she basically looks like kyungsoo with not as wide eyes of course." he laughed. "chloe what's wrong?"

he tried dragging me to the couch but i stood in my spot still thinking hard about my distant memories. he carried me over to the couch.

he put me down carefully then sat next to me. i look around noticing a guy who looked like me, emotionless. it was kyungsoo.

i heard he's very cold and serious. i looked at baekhyun trying to make me laugh or anything to show happiness so he made a face i always laughed at.

 i looked at baekhyun trying to make me laugh or anything to show happiness so he made a face i always laughed at

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he tries some aegyo.

he tries some aegyo

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i smile a little.
"how'd you do that? try it on kyungsoo." chanyeol pointed at an unamused kyungsoo .

baekhyun went up to kyungsoo. he did the same face but kyungsoo hit him. i laugh.
"chloe, he hurt your oppa~" baekhyun pouted.

"i don't really care." everyone laughs.

they all went serious and looked at me.
"what are you guys bipolar." baekhyun cracked up in the corner.

"are you guys dating?" sehun bluntly asked.
"no we're just best friends." they all smirk as sehun smiles brightly.

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