Part 1

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Yawning, you stretch your arms above your head.

Sighing you think about your ex-boyfriend. Yesterday you had gone over to his apartment to ask about the project you two were working on only to find him cuddling with another girl on the couch. When you saw them you immediently turned around and walked back out the door again.

You could feel tears run from your closed eyes. You two had been together for 3 years and he was your everything. You felt a soft pressure on your shoulder and you open your eyes to see an unfamiliar face looking at you with concern.

'Yoongi hyung? Are you okay? Why are you crying?'

'Um...Who are you?' You ask politely sitting up expecting to see your room only to find something completely different.

Your eyes widen as you look around to see a room full of people who were sleeping, laughing, talking and getting there make up done. There were mirrors along the walls of a rectangular room. Altogether it looked like a backstage celebrity room.

'Yoongi?' The voice says again.

You look up to see that unfamiliar face again. His hair is a bright blonde and he is wearing a white tee shirt with black jeans. His hair is wet as if he'd been sweating and he was still looking at you.

You quickly stand up ready to demand of him where you are and what he'd done to you but that was until you saw your reflection. A surprised blonde haired boy looked back at you. He also had wet hair and you did indeed feel like you had done a lot of exercise. His eyes were slightly red and his eyes were surrounded by thick eye liner that was starting to smudge from crying.

'What the hell?' You whisper shout at your reflection.

'um..sorry hyung for waking you. i just thought um...'

You turn to see him still looking at you concerned.

'Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?'

'Maybe this is a dream,' You mumble.

'What is it Jimin?' A brown haired boy says as he comes to wrap his arm around the boy called jimin.

'Tae...Yoongi hyung is acting weird,' He whispers but you still here him.

The brown haired boy looks over at you before whispering back. 'What do you mean?'

'He keeps looking at me like hes never seen me before,' You notice he doesn't say anything about you crying.

'Ah so wh...' you go to interrupt there conversation but wait a second. You look back at the mirror and see that dyed blonde haired boy lookin back at you. So I'm not me? This is someone elses body? This has to be a dream, I need to know if it is.

You look around for something sharp and your eyes light on a small pocket knife a few metres away.

Walking towards it you pick it up and attempt to slash it across your arm but someone stops you. There hand wrapped around your arm with immense strength.

'HYUNG?! STOP IT! You turn to see a dark haired boy eyeing you with a expression of absolute terror.

The two boys from before had also ran up to you and were standing on either side of the dark haired one.

You struggle against his grip wanting in desperation to know if this was real or not.

'HYUNG!' Now you were fighting against all 3 of them as they took ahold of you.

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