Part 2

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Eun ha POV (aka you)

Your ran through thick darkness. Searing pain could be felt throughout your body and you felt tears pouring down your face.

Where am I? Why is this so painful?

Suddenly the darkness separated like two curtains. You enter the dark, damp prison cell like room. In the corner there was a boy curled into a ball leaning against one of the walls. He lifted his head to look at you and you gasped as you recognised the face. It was the boy you had seen in the mirror.

'Yoongi' You murmured. You didn't know why this sounded familiar.

'Eun ha. It's you.' He faintly smiled.

'Just relax in my body and do whatever the hell you want but just dot let the know. At all costs don't let them know...... just please... and... come back soon.

You screamed as the darkness came back again and you felt the splitting agony again.


You gasped and opened your eyes.

The boy you had first seen was there. Jimin?

'Hey... You okay?' he asked removing his hands from your shoulders.

You looked up at him.

What was that? That dream. That boy...Yoongi. That's what they have been calling me. There must have been more. You only remember the image of him on the floor curled up and then...then what happened?

'Don't let them know,' a deep voice echoed round your head.

For some reason you knew what that meant and the you remembered the boy still sitting beside you.

You were lying on an extremely comftable white bed in a smallish room. There was wall mirror that appeared be a sliding door on the right and on the left was a black desk with millions of stray papers resting on top. You sat up.

'I'm fine.' You replyed.

He didn't look like he believed you so you said.

'Truly I'm just... going through a rough time at the moment.'

'Oh okay do you want to about it?'

'No,' you hoped Yoongi was like you because you weren't about to change your personality because of these stupid cercumstaces.

'Okay, I guess you don't want to talk about what happened back there either?' he said as he lifted himself of the bed.

'No,' You replyed. You swung your legs over the bed and stood up.

It was odd being in his body. Your legs felt longer and your body felt heavier.

'Dinner,' The boy said as he left the room shutting the door behind him.

The door slowly shut behind him and you walked over to the mirror.

Small eyes, soft pink lips, softly muscled body and extremely pale skin. Beautiful was the word that came to mind.

Dismissing the stranger in the mirror you stepped away and  walked to and out the door into a dimly lit hallway.

Softly you shut the door and walked down the corridor into an extremely large room.

There were couches in every corner of the room as well as a tv and atable.

Noone was in there so you kept walking through the I guess you'd call it a lounge room and into a miniature hallway. To the right was a door that led to a kitchen but down the end was another door so you walked to that one and strolled right in as if you knew exactly where everything was. It was a dining room. A square table took all the space in the room and at it sat the 6 boys you had seen before everything had gone black.

They greeted you as you went to sit next to boy who had first stopped you from finding whether it was a dream or not. Jungkook?

They were all pretending nothing had ever happened but were being extremely obvious about it so you interrupted.

'Look I sorry about before, I have some stuff im dealing with right now and it's a bit hard on me..' I looked up and they had all stopped eating and were all watching me with worried expressions. 'So,' You cleared your throat. It was odd for you to have people looking at you concerned. 'yeah but ill be fine so don't worry, just act normally and not this ridiculous fake behaviour...okay?'

'Well as long as your okay.' The tall, brown haired one said as they all nodded.

Time skip—

You had been in his body for about 2 weeks now and you learned a lot about Yoongi and what his life was like. You found out he was apart of a group called Bts and he was the rapper. You learnt all the members names and you knew your way around the house which was an acheivemet in its self as you had never been good at not getting lost before and it usually took you ages to figure out where everything was in a new environment. You were slowly getting  used to being in his body and you were actually managing but that was until one night...

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