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I backed away from Joey, shaking my head vigorously.

D: I-I can't do it

J: Of course you can. Killing someone isn't hard. After all, don't you want to prove your dedication to me?

Joey spoke so casually as he shrugged. It made my skin crawl.

D: You're a psychopath

Joey frowned, crossing his arms.

J: Hey, that isn't true. You're just a wimp

Preston, who was crouched on the floor, staggered up and held his bleeding nose.

P: You see that Joey? Derek ain't shit and he's not worth your time

Joey looked at Preston, then he looked at me.

J: If you really like me as much as you say you do, then you'd do this

I swallowed hard, feeling conflicted. Joey's light eyes bored through me as we stood in front of each other, lost in thought. A heavy cloud of uncertainty floated above my head. Joey wasn't normal, that much was obvious. But how was he able to make murder seem like it was no big deal?

I had to turn around. I had to just call my boss and turn Joey in. Enough messing around; things were getting too out of control now. But when Joey walked up to me and wrapped his strong arms around my waist, kissed my neck and stroked my hair, it turned my brain to mush.

J: Come on Derek

He crooned softly.

J: It's one little thing

He nibbled on my ear while his hand ran down my body and cupped my package, squeezing lightly.

J: Do it for me

He whispered, his hot breath warming my skin, sending tingles through me.

My eyes closed involuntarily and all I could focus on was how good Joey's touch was.

D: I'll do it

I groaned, my voice low and husky. I opened my eyes to see Joey grinning up at me, happy as can be. He let go of me and kissed me on the lips, to which I lingered on. I wanted, no, I needed to much of him. No matter what he was like.

D: Let's go back to my room

I took Joey's hand and we went across the hallway, crawling into bed and pulling the thick covers over us. I stretched my arm around his neck and he sunk deeply against me.

J: Big day tomorrow huh babe

D: Yeah

J: you'll be ready for it. Ugh, Preston is so annoying

Joey said, his eyes shut. He was already drowsy.

D: I know baby

J: He's always in the way. Before you even came along, he was always kinda pushy and he tried to control me

It was a little hard to believe. Joey definitely was not the type to have someone control him. He was too independent, and that's what I admired about it.

J: Sometimes I wish he would just lay off my back. Gimme a break, you know?

Joey snuggled close to me and gave me a single kiss on my throat.

J: I'm glad I have you Derek

D: I'm glad I have you too

> > >

My iPhone rang in the middle of the night, lighting up the dark room where Joey and I slept. I slowly stretched my arm out to take the phone off the nightstand and then I crept out of the room. Once I was in the hallway, I checked to see who was calling me.

Incoming call from Unknown Number

Who was this? Curious and cautiously,
I answered.

D: Hello?

It was silent on the other line. Then it was replaced by low, heavy breathing.

I immediately got goosebumps.

D: Who is this?

X: I'm watching you

My heart instantly dropped and worry overcame my entire body. I quickly hung up the phone with chills all over and I went back inside my room, crawling into bed with Joey and holding onto him really, really tight.

a/n I'm in a slump, I feel like I could do better with this story but I don't know how

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