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I was chopping up vegetables and tossing them in pan, causing them to sizzle in a swig of canola oil. Then I sprinkled herbs on top to give it some flavour. A pleasant spicy aroma arose.

J: Dinner is smellin good in there

Joey called out, looking over the couch at me. His eyes were tired and he was wearing a maroon sweater of mine, looking adorable.

D: I'm whipping up a spicy hearty wrap, drizzled with southwest sauce and topped with black beans, shredded cheese, roasted corn, and steaming veggies

J: That sounds delicious! I wish I knew how to cook well

D: Then come here babe

Joey smiled and walked over to me, hugging my waist and leaning his face against my back.

D: You can't see from there. Come next to the pan and I'll show you-

J: How about you just cook for me from now on?

D: And why would I do that?

I grinned, feeling his strong arms tighten. I stirred some of the veggies with a wooden spatula.

J: Because you really really like me

I turned around and smiled warmly.

D: Yeah, I do

I dropped a kiss on his forehead and tweaked his perfect little nose before turning off the stove and allowing the vegetables to cool off a bit.

Joey, being helpful for once, took out two soft tortilla breads from the fridge and squeezed orangey southwest sauce out of the bottle. Together we put on the toppings and I scooped on the veggies.

Taking two plates we sat on the couch and bit into our wraps. An explosion of spice and tanginess pleasured my tastebuds and I moaned in delight.

J: This stuff is bomb as hell

D: I knowwww. Oh and you're welcome, you little pig

J: Excuse me? Don't call me a pig, pig!

Joey exclaimed, hitting me on the arm and nearly knocking my wrap out of my hands. We laughed and continued eating when there was a knock at the door. I looked at Joey, whose mouth was full.

D: Who could that be?

He shrugged while chewing vigorously and I set my plate down. The knocking persisted and I opened the door, thinking it was Preston. I was instantly shocked to see who stood before me and my mouth hung open, dry and speechless.

No fucking way.

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