Alien or Man?

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Where does it begin? - Series 1

Chapter 1 - Alien or Man?

"In the city, you see so many things and meet so many new people, but that's not the case here. We're here to focus on a young man. A young man by the name of V. V was a interesting man, if you can say man. People assume V is a human being by his appearance, but little do people know that he can change his appearance at anytime. So what is V? Alien or Man? Stay tuned to find out!" "Cut it out will you? It's starting to get annoying with you following me around with that damn camera everywhere, Ascuyla." The girl by the name Ascuyla pouted as she turned off her camera. "But V, I need to make a movie of someone who's in my daily life, and who better than you?" V, as the young female said, sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why not film Domino or Vic? I'm sure they will be glad to be a star of your school project." "Yeah, but you're more fun to film !" Ascuyla exclaimed as she looked through the world with her camera. V just sighed, face palming before saying, "Well fins someone else to film. I'm a busy person and can't be filmed 24/7. I also don't need anyone to question what species I am. I mean 'Alien or Man?' What the heck is that supposed to mean?" "It means, what species are you? No one is sure because you can change your physical appearance! It'''s astronomical!" Ascuyla exclaimed with pure excitement, while V just stood there, amazed at her cheerful, happy-go-lucky attitude.

-Time Skip-

"I'm home, not like anyone actually lives with me to care..." V mumbled to himself as he took of his shoes. Now, if you are wondering what happened to Ascuyla, well V was only doing an friend favor to pick her from school. V sat down on his couch and ran his hand through his somewhat long and wild hair. 'Alien or Man', huh? I guess that's a good way to put it. Hell, I don't even remember what I really look like...always in a human form. Makes me pretty mysterious, huh?" V sighed as he got up from his couch, "Oh well. What is there too eat?" V went into his kitchen and looked into his fridge, only to see nothing in there. It's not like he doesn't eat, just barely home and always busy to buy groceries. "Che. No food, might as well order take out...again." Like I said, barely home and very busy. Just then, his phone rang.

V checked the caller ID, it said 'Domino', he sighed and answered his phone. "What up fuckass?" He answered. "Vulgar as always, V." said the person on the other line. "So what do you want?" "Just wan to know if you willing to do a job with me, big pay V." "What kind of job?" "Spy and kill." "Who do we spy?" "Guy named Zocroū, worth a lot of money, V. One of most wanted person in the Crœzāck galaxy. But he also used to work for the system, we get him to tell us what he knows and then we kill him." "And who gave you this job exactly?" V asked as he looked up Zocroū on his laptop. "The council." "An official job or did you eavesdrop on some official member's converstion?" "Official, V. I wouldn't do something that low." "You would and you have done so in the past." "Che. Do one little mistake and you're branded for life. Anyway, you up for the job?" "If it's official then yes, if not and I get in trouble, you're getting a smack in the head." "Okay, I get you don't trust my word on this but whatever. I'll meet you at midnight at Central F." "Okay, see ya." V hung up on the person on the other side of the line.

Let me explain what the council is. The council is a top secret rebellion group. Who only want to get rid of the government and their overbearing ways. Most of the member in the council are not human, mostly demons,alien or animal human hybrids.

-Time skip : Central F at Midnight-

V walked down the empty streets, wearing his cargo green fur coat with his hood up, covering half his face. His belt jingling as he walked, red goggles covering glowing brightly in the dark. He walked down to meeting place, the place where he always meet his partner. "Hey V, you're late." Said a man with White and Black hair and eyes. V shrugged at his friend. "Whatever Domino, I though you were gonna be late instead of me." Domino scoffed at his friend's behavior. "Why would I be late for an important job like this? I'm getting big pay for this job." "You never told me how much we're getting paid, anyways. Mind telling me?" Domino sighed and leaned back against a pillar. "Um...Around 560 Crows, 3000 Zixies and 12 Euros" V calculated how they will spilt the payment. "Twelve Euros? Really? That's a lot. Old Earth money is hard to come by, Euros will be worth a lot. But what up with the Zixies? That's pretty cheap." Domino shrugged, " I know,man. That's why I'm so eager for this job, old Earth money is worth around seventeen billion Crows!"

V looked up and smirked, "Then we should probably get going. Get this job done." Domino did the same action as V, "Then let's go."

-Time skip : Central F downtown-

"So, where do we need to go?" V looked around, all he saw were bars. Bars full of fighting and yelling, 'So civilized for the future.' he thought as he rolled his eyes, hearing more yelling and cursing in different languages that he can easily translate within a blink of an eye. "We need to go collect information." "And where exactly do we get that information?" Domino suddenly stopped and pointed to a bar called 'SeCrEt'. V raises an eyebrow, "Vic's bar?" "Some of Zocroū's men go there for a drink after a job. They might be there tonight." "What if they're not?" "Then we come back tomorrow night, and if still not there then the next night. The pattern will go on like that until we see them." V raised an eyebrow, "So that's what we'll basically be doing if they're not there? Domino hummed as he walked into the bar, "Yep, basically. So get comfortable with seeing depressed workers fighting each other." V just stared at his friend like he was a idiot 'Oh wait, he is an idiot.'Domino went up to the bar, signaling for V to come to where he is. V walked slowly to where Domino is, looking apathetic things. "What the hell are you being all apathetic about?" Domino asked, with a raised eyebrow and a frown on his face. V just shrugged his shoulder and sat down on the stool at the bar.

After a few minutes of just sitting there and observing the people around them, a woman in an old style Victorian dress came up to them. "Can I help you boys?" They both looked behind them. V smirked and said, "Hey Vic. What up?" "Nothing's up except two boys hangin' round my bar, spying on my customers." "Yeah, well we have a job to do and it involves your bar." Domino said, eyeing people warily, making sure no one is listening to their conversation. "Why my bar? And what job?" Asked Vic, raising an eyebrow. "We're on a scouting mission. The henchmen of the person we're spying on comes here after a job. That pretty much sums it up." Domino explained, saying it like its nothing. "Huh. You said it like it's no big deal, but news flash lots of henchmen come here. If you want to find a specific boss, you have to find the specific group. So, who are you looking for?" Vic asked, a knowing look on her face. V sighed and said "We're looking for Zocroū. We need info on where his base is, we plan to kill him." Vic looked around her bar and started to think. "Well, if it's Zocroū's men you're looking for then you guys are looking at the wrong group of people. Zocroū is from the UxroxKś planet, which means he is an sophisticated man, he wouldn't hire big meaty drunkard idiots like them." Vic said as she pointed at the group of intoxicated men, fighting and yelling at each other. "Zocroū would hire smart men from the same planet he came from. The people he would hire would be smart, not big and meaty, but smart enough to know not to drink heavy drinks at a bar. They would drink light drinks, mostly tea,light beer, coffee, or water, they wouldn't dare drink heavy drinks,in case a job comes at any random time. Which narrows it downs to, that group over there in the corner. They only drink water, coffee, or light beer." Vic said as she pointed at the only group not fighting or yelling. "There's your boys, boys. Good luck on the mission, I got customers to serve." V looked deep in thought as she said that, then an idea sprung up. V got up and walked towards Vic, and said "Hey Vic, why don't I help you out? Starting with those gentlemen there?" He asked pointing at the Zocroū's men, with a smirk on his face. Vic seemed to understand what he was implying and handed him the plater that has water and coffee on it. Domino just sat there confused on what's happening.

V slowly walked over to the table in the corner, smirk on his face. "Hello gentlemen, I have your drinks." He said, while placing their drinks down. "Thank you sir. Now as I was saying, the boss wants us to get rid of the rats thats snooping around our base." Said one the henchmen, V was using his super hearing to hear every single word without hearing the background rumble. V cleared his throat and said "Excuse me gentlemen, but is your boss...Zocroū?" "Yes,what of it?" The smirk on V's face grew bigger. "Well I heard someone is planning to kill him, don't who though." "What? Who told you that?" V just hummed and said "Oh I don't know, just heard it somewhere. Could be a rumor, or someone really plans to kill you boss. Hell if I know." He said with a shrug, walking back to the bar platter in hand. "Thanks for the information,kid." Said on of the henchmen, walking to him giving him a tip. "No, thank you sir." V said and started to continue walking back. V smirked darkly, 'Let the game of cat and mouse begin...'


Sorry if most of you guys don't know what I said in this story. I just tried to make it more...futuristic.

This is also a result of me watching too much Doctor Who in one day. Photo cover is not mine, just using it until I have enough time to draw the actual cover.

Where does it begin? Series 1Where stories live. Discover now