Victoria Moss

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-Previously on 'Where does it begin?' -

"Yeah...We should go see her later." Domino suggested, earning a approved hum from V.

-Chapter 5 : Victoria Moss-

While our two male hero's were off on their second try on the Zocroū job, our female heroine was off on an adventure on her own. The adventure of of taking care of her two younger sisters Sora and Ascuyla, and running her bar and being an alpha rank officer for the council just like our two male hero's. Let's see what she did during the time period V and Domino was messing around.

-Time Skip-

Victoria or mostly known as 'Vic' was woken up in the rudest way possible, with two annoying little sister fighting in your room at four thirty am. What kind of kids wake up that early?! Seriously?! Of course like her friends, her sisters are not normal in fact, they're are completely , insane. From what Victoria can hear, Sora was the one who started the fight, she can now understand why V can't stand her, she makes fun of everyone's flaw, appearance, and quirks with a smug grin on her face. Victoria instantly gets up from her slumber when she hears Ascuyla crying, it breaks her heart to see her baby sister cry, ever since your parents was murdered by the system right in front of you, you swear to protect and care for your sister and swear to never see them cry ever again. And what they did to her parents was totally unjustified, they were totally innocent. Victoria and her family was just taking a family stroll around town, when she heard two system patrol cops said 'They were bored, and they wanted to shoot something." And so, they walked towards Victoria's family and shot them multiple times until they were on the a bloody mess on the streets. After that Victoria wanted to bring down the system and bring true justice into the universe, of course she was only eight when she declared that, amazing she's going through with it after ten years. Let's get back to whats happening now and leave all the depressing things for later. Anyways, when Vic heard Ascuyla crying she instantly got up and when to hug and comfort her, while glaring at Sora who was grinning all smug like. She wonders where she get's her attitude from, V maybe? Since she does fight with him a lot, but Ascuyla spend way more time with V then Sora. "Sora! What did you say to Ascuyla?!" V exclaimed, shooshing Ascuyla and petting her head as she hugs her tighter and rocks her back and forth.

"I said nothing!" "LIAR!" Ascuyla shouted, pointing at Sora "Vicky, She's lying! She called me a cry baby and-and she said that you and V are dating! You're not dating each other, RIGHT?!" Yeah, you heard right. Ascuyla is upset that Sora said that V and Victoria is dating, why you ask? Because Ascuyla has a big crush on V and she is only six years old, mature girl, huh? "Eh...." Victoria just stared at her baby sister, "What? Me and V, w-we're just friends, got it? Besides, I'm pretty sure V likes Domino...n-not me." Victoria said, while Sora was just holding her laughter in the background. Victoria turned her head to look at Sora when something dawned upon her, 'Shit!...' Victoria quickly turned her head to look back at Ascuyla, and what she saw was close to an image of a pissed off baby hamster. Victoria quickly plugged up her ears, as did Sora, as Ascuyla made a very loud and high scream, making everything around them rattle, disturbing the neighborhood, scaring all the animals in the neighborhood and breaking a lot of glass.

-Time Skip-

After a whole lot of apologizing and cleaning up glass, Victoria had finally calmed Ascuyla down from her tantrum. "My Crow, Ascuyla! Do you know how long it's gonna take me to pay off these damages? We barely make enough money as it is, which is pretty amazing since the council pays me so much and the money I get from the bar. We can't always go to V for money y'know? He has bills to pay too, he needs to eat too, he works for his money too. We're lucky to even own our own house, or the bar! What do you have to say for yourself?" Victoria scolded Ascuyla, in her hands were bills, lots and lots of bills, bills for window and hearing repairs. Ascuyla just looked close to crying and looked down at her hands, "Why can't we always ask V? He's nice and is willing to help, he helps Domino..." "Because V and Domino works together and he knows that Domino can quickly make the money to pay him back, we can't. We need the money to survive, I might get good pay but we need to use it for bills, food, my bar, and you and Sora's school. I won't send you back to that awful free school that the system made, their rules are unjust, cruel and too overbearing. And I REFUSE to have anything to do with the system, and you know that. I'd rather send you to the school that the council made, even though we have to pay for it." "But why do we have to pay for it?! You're an alpha ranking member of the council! Why do we have to pay so much?! WHY?!" "Because, Ascuyla! It's to protect you and everyone in that school! Don't you wanna be safe?! Don't you wanna have good healthy food?!" By now Sora has left the room to go cook some breakfast for all of them, hoping that will come them both down from this dispute that can lead to some serious consequences. "Look...We'll talk about this later-" Victoria looked to the right, where her clock was, it read off in bright glowing red 'Six thirty A.M'. "For now, go brush your teeth and get ready for school. Go." Vic said as she pushed Ascuyla towards the bathroom, then she went to her own private bathroom to get ready for the day. This is going to be a long day....

-Time Skip-

When Vic walked into the kitchen, she saw her two sister sitting at the table eating their breakfast in their school uniform. She, herself were in her clothes for the day. Victoria managed to get a third job to help get them some extra spending cash, her sisters didn't know of course. Victoria was in a green jumpsuit with some gloves hanging off her belt, safety goggles a top of her head. Sora seemed to notice her older sister's appearance, "What up with the jump suit, sis?" Sora asked, half eaten toast in her mouth, and an eyebrow raised. "Got work today." Vic said, as she poured herself a mug of coffee and sat down to eat her breakfast Sora made her. "Is it a job from the council? Is it a stakeout job? 'Cause no offense sis...but you look like a hobo." "Not a job from the council, but I did get a third job. Y'know, to get some extra cash so we can save up incase of emergencies." "Oh! Should I get a job, sis? Y'know to help out with the funding?" "Nah, don't. You need to focus on school, ya don't get anywhere without a proper education, y'know?" Victoria said, finishing her food and letting her real accent show. Victoria and her sisters are low on cash even before their parents were killed they were low on funds, so they have no choice but to live in a cheap neighborhood. After years of living there, you figure out how to survive there without being picked on or beaten up. The neighborhood they live in is not so friendly, they had to pick up the habits to live there, even the speech pattern. "Okay sis, well, it's gon' be hard with out background." "Yeah, I realize that Sora. Anyways, you two get goin', you're gonna be late for school , if you don't leave now." "Okay!"

-Time skip-

Victoria finally got home from her day job and now had an hour to eat and rest until she has to go open the bar. When she walked through the door, she saw that Ascuyla and Sora hadn't come home yet, of course they wouldn't. Right now it's only 'seven thirty P.M' and they usually come home at nine fifteen p.m, since it takes them almost five hours to get home from school. Victoria went to take a quick shower and then to go make dinner for herself and later her younger sisters, after that she went to go change into her usual victorian outfit for when she works at the bar and went to work.

This is basically Victoria's day everyday, and you all know how it's like in her bar so, no need to explain that, right? Her life is as hectic as V's and Domino's, but she has two sisters to take care of, unlike V and Domino who has no one to take care of.

Now let's get back to V and Domino for an second, shall we? I have a feeling something thrilling will happen.

-Time Skip-

V and Domino were sitting on the couch when someone knocked on there door. "The hell?...Who still knocks now?" V said as he went to go answer the door, as he did that Domino decided it was a good idea to grab V's ass, probably in the mood for affection no doubt. Well pretty obvious on what V did...He smacked Domino on the head, and went to go answer the door. "Yes?....Koi?!"

-Chapter 5 : End-

Where does it begin? Series 1Where stories live. Discover now