Cat and Mouse FAIL!

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-Previously on 'Where does it begin?' -

V smirked darkly, 'Let the game of cat and mouse begin.'

Chapter 2 - Cat and mouse, FAIL!

V slowly walked toward Domino, who was still sitting at the bar. Domino's head resting on his hand, looking curious on what V did and why he is smirking. "What up, V? What'd you do?" V's smirk got bigger "Let's say I got the job started." Domino raised an eyebrow, "Okay...So what do we do now?" "We follow them when they leave." "Why would we do that?" V hummed in thought, "Just wait and see, D" Domino sat in thought for a couple of minutes until he realized what V said and spoke up. "Did you just call me 'D'?"

-Time Skip-

V and Domino where lurking in the trees, spying on the Zocroū's henchmen. "So, what are we doing?" Domino asked, crouching on a thick tree branch. "Spying." "And?" "Nothing else, just spying." Domino had a constipated face on, looking at V like he had gone insane. "What? That's all we're doing? Are you serious? I thought you were better, no smarter than that!" "Sshh! Shut up idiot, do you wanna be caught? Now listen, we're only spying for now so that we can set up these mine spy camera's in their base. That way we can keep an eye on them until we think its the right time to kill them." "Oh...Tell me before we start lurking in trees. God...sometimes you're too mysterious for your own good. I almost ditched you if you didn't explain what we're doing soon." Domino said as he facepalmed and sighed heavily. "Hmph...As if you can ditch me, you know I would catch you even if you were about to sneeze." V said as if its the most normal thing in the world, while Domino just deadpanned at his best friend. "Oh yeah...I forgot you had intense training before you moved to this planet." "Yep, and because of that training I'm now an undead zombie who has immortal life, robot-like intelligence, and godly powers that involve me using my blood as a weapon." "I still find that a bit off putting, but hey, it protects and helps us out a lot so, whatever." "Do I sense sarcasm in your voice?" "No..."

-Scene change/Time change : 8 Minutes later-

V and Domino were now crawling in Zocroū's air vents, V had his jacket hood up and his red goggles over his own red eyes. It was easy for V since he is skinny, but strong, but hard for Domino since he's a bit too tall and a bit more chubby than V. "Ugh...Damn V...How do you do this? Hard as fuck man, heh that's what she said." Domino said grinning at his oh so clever joke. Note the sarcasm please. "Oh ha ha, so fucking funny." V said, rolling his eyes as he continued crawling in the air vents with no problem at all, unlike Domino. "The only reason you can't do this is because you're too chubby and tall. You have to be the perfect height and weight to do this." "Well sorry, not everyone can be undead like you. We all need to eat to survive. I mean seriously, how old are you?!" "Quiet idiot, do you want them to hear us? If you haven't notice, air vents tend to echo. So if you wanna fight, wait until we're done with this job, got it?" "God, you're such a douchebag. I sometimes wonder 'How is V my best friend? He's so fucking moody and mysterious.' I really do wonder that. In fact I'm wondering that right now." "It's because you fucking love me that's why." V said with a tone full of sarcasm. Domino rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I fucking love you man, I love you so much fucking much, my heart is about to fucking explode." "It' s called fucking sarcasm, D. Get a fucking brain." "Oh, like your stupid robot brain?" "I don't have a fucking robot brain, D. And this isn't the fucking time to be fighting right now. Let's just get this fucking job done, okay?" "Fine, but we're fighting this out in your backyard when we're done." "Why the fuck is it always my backyard?" "Maybe because, you live on a fucking planet by yourself. Like, seriously! How the fuck did you get a planet all for yourself?" "My master had the deed for the fucking thing, he gave it too me when I finished my training. He said it was better to live by myself than live on this fucking planet. What the fuck is the name of this fucking planet anyways? This fucking planet was fucking made in 4088, you would think it would have a fucking name by now." "How the fuck should I know? What am I, the almighty lord Crow? By the way, where is the bosses room? Does your fancy goggles know?" "Of course it fucking knows, I'm leading us there right now. Fucking calm down, D." Suddenly there was a creaking coming from the vents. "Uhh...that's not a good sign..." "No shit, D!" And then they buy fell from the vents, right on a pool table where most of Zocroū's men were. "Uh...Hi, we are here to fix....your air conditioner....?" Cue V's facepalm, 'D, you idiot...As if they're gonna fall for that.' And not one minute later, V and Domino were being chased by all of Zocroū's men, epically failing their mission for the first time ever....Well for V, Domino not so much.

-Time skip-

"Goddamnit! They have fucking cheap ass air vents!" V shouted in anger, back in the forest they first started out on. "I know right? I mean, together we don't even weigh that much." Domino said, as he panted. "Yeah, I only weigh 86 pounds and you weigh, like what? 93 pounds?" "Yeah, 93 pounds....Wait, how the fuck did you know my weight?!" "I fucking guessed, okay?!" V tried to calm down for a couple of minutes, "We have to come back in a week top, if we come back tomorrow they will find us instantly." "How the fuck did you know that? I thought you never lose?" "I don't, it's just logic. Because, now they're gonna expect us coming back tomorrow, so it's better if we wait a couple of days." Domino sighed, "Fine, let's go to your house and go fight. I have too much stress right now, from the job and from our argument earlier." "Fine, feel like punching your face anyways." V sighed as he started to look through his pockets. "Don't punch my face, it's my money maker." "What are you? A man whore?" "I ain't no man whore!" "That was not even english, D." V finally found the thing he was looking for, an high-tech portal gun, made by V himself. He activated it, and look for the portal to his house, or planet. "Let's go, D. So I can punch your fucking face."

-Chapter 2 : End-

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