Koi Ryu appears

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-Previously on 'Where does it begin?' -

He smacked Domino on the head, and went to go answer the door. "Yes?....Koi?!"

-Chapter 6: Koi Ryu appears-

'Yes, it is me, Vaiynio.' Koi signed, unable to talk no matter how much he wants too. Why you ask? It's simply because Koi was born with no vocal cords, people call it a mutation or a birth defect. V calls it a mutation, since he was born with something a defect too, while Koi called it a birth defect and if it is a mutation, who cares? So he never gets to talk or communicate with people without his friend/translator, Shun. Actually Koi is very depressed at the fact he can never talk but learned to live with it, sad isn't it? Anyway's let's get back to the story now, shall we?

"What do you want?" 'I want your assistance on a job.' "Just ask Shun to help you." 'I'd rather not this time.' "Why?" 'The reason why is because...it involves are old friends. Remember? Before we ran away and started training with our masters?' V's eyes widen after hearing that this job involves their friends, "Yeah I remember, bunch of assholes. Always bullied fucking think they're better than us in every single way just because they had more money. Che, fucking assholes. Just makes me wanna punch them in the face." 'Yes, I understand what you are saying, but since it's our old friends we know how dangerous they can be, or even more now since it has been years since we last had any contact with them.' "What? I don't remember contacting them in anyway after we ran away." 'You don't remember?' "Remember, what?" 'They came and see how we were doing after they saw both of us get ran over by an large truck.' "Oh yeah, fucking asshole doesn't know how to drive for shit. I would've killed him then and there if I could." 'I think Shun already beat you to that...' "Well, I wanna do it myself. And why do you let your girlfriend fight for you?" 'She's not my girlfriend, she's just my best friend.' "Yeah, best friends with benefits." And with that V and Koi are having a glaring contest with each other, and that's when Domino decided to come in.

"Hey, whose at the door, V?" Domino came behind V and wrapped his arms around V's waist and put his head on his shoulder's. "Huh? Oh hey Koi." 'Hello Domino, I did not know you and my brother had such an intimate relationship with each other.' Both V and Domino blushed at that comment, 'N-no, we aren't l-like that...' Domino signed to Koi shakily. 'Hmm...It doesn't seem like it...' Koi signed looking up and down at Domino and V, with an raised eyebrow and a suspicious look in his eyes. Domino and V flushed more and Domino quickly let go of V's waist, "It's called a loving bromance. You wouldn't know since you're dating Nora." Domino said, while scratching his cheek nervously. 'Nora is a perfectly fine boyfriend who cars and respects my decisions.' "Yeah, but he's an totally obsessive boyfriend, possessive too." V said, the blush on his face now gone. 'Nora is a completely good boyfriend, and is not obsessive or possessive at all.' Koi signed before realizing they were getting off topic from what he said before, 'Now, can we please get back to the matter on hand?' "Fine, come inside. I'd rather not talk about this is my yard." 'This a yard? I thought it was a planet.' "Same difference!" V yelled from a his living room, leaving Koi outside with Domino. 'Let's go.' Domino signed, with a sincere smile on his face.

-Time Skip-

"So, what do you want again?" V asked, sitting on his couch with Koi on the opposite side of him and Domino on V's right. 'I wanted you assistance with a job.' "Oh yeah, I still don't get why you can't ask Shun. She'd be willing to help you anytime." 'Because...she recently had...confessed to me...' Koi slowly signed, "Whoa...What? Doesn't she know you're dating Nora?" 'She does not know, she thought we were simply showing 'Bromance' like you and Domino.' "What?! How can she not know?! Pretty damn obvious." 'But, I think she was simply in denial, not wanting to accept that I am dating Nora she tricked herself to think we were just close friends.' "God, that is one messed up girl." 'Uhh...Yes...I would agree with you there...Please don't let Shun find out.' "Okay fine. So if I were to 'assist' you on this job, what would I have to do and how much will I get paid?" 'We would have to kill the Toukai clan, as the council predicts that they're gonna the small planet on where the light realm starts and another planet where the shadow realm ends, their base is on another planet. As for payment, we will be payed 24,000 Crows, 12,500 Zixies and 34 Euros. And Domino, if you wish you can help too, I have a feeling we will need more than two people for this job.' V and Domino just sat there in shock, understandable since that will probably be the biggest payment they will ever get if they accept it. 'So?' Domino and V looked at each and then smirked, "Hell yeah we accept!"

-End Chapter 6-

Where does it begin? Series 1Where stories live. Discover now