Loving Bromance

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-Previously on 'Where does it begin?' -

"Let's go D, so I can punch your fucking face."

-Chapter 3 : Loving Bromance-

After around 2 and a half hours of fighting out there stress and obvious rage, they went back into V's house to rest. "Yo V, how the fuck do you call this a house? It's a fucking mansion!" "Oh my Crow, D! I'm not fucking explaining this shit again!" V said as he pinched the bridge of his nose, pushing up his glasses up. Domino smirked, "You know V, you look pretty sexy when you're wearing you glasses, also no shirt makes it more hotter too." Yes, V was half naked. After fighting Domino for 2 and half fucking hours, V went to take a shower. "Geez, thanks D. Nice to know you like me too." V said, as he walked into his room, and of course Domino followed him. V went to his closet and got a T-shirt that had the letters 'RKS' and then a star symbol at the bottom. "Awww...C'mon V, don't put on shirt. Leave it off!" Domino said as his smirk grew wider, mischief clear in his eyes. "If you want to see my body, you gotta pay me D. I don't work for free." V said, no embarrassment shown on his face, just a bored looking face. "Awww....I don't get a best friend's discount?" "You do, you get to see me shower tomorrow night." By now Domino was walking towards V, wrapping his arms around V's waist and chin resting on his shoulder. "I don't get to join you? Sad." Domino started to pet V's wild hair, smirk or rather smile, in place. V just sighed and leaned into Domino's touch. "Crow D, someone's horny." Domino hummed in thought, still petting V's hair. "Who wouldn't be? Especially having an hot best friend in their arms." "Like I said, so fucking horny, D." They stayed in that position until V's phone started to ring. "D, my phone is ringing. Gotta get it." V said lazily, trying to reach for his phone. "Leave it, call them back later or let it send to voice mail or something. Don't wanna move from you." Domino said as he buried his head into V's shoulder. V rolled his eyes at Domino's childlike behavior, "Then at least let us go on the bed, my legs will give  out if I stand to long. Your's will too, D." Domino groaned into V's shoulder, "Fine!..." Domino, without letting go of V, moved to V's king sized bed. "Love ya, V..." "Love ya too, D...Even though you have a girlfriend..." "Yo, I broke up with her. She was a fucking bitch, slept with like five other guys while she was dating me. I'd rather have a beautiful romance with my best friend." "Good thing we're the same species or it would awkward interspecies sex, man." Domino hummed in thought, as he kept on hugging V's waist, that is until V's phone kept ringing until Domino got annoyed with it, while V fell asleep. 'How the fuck does he sleep with that noise?' Domino thought, as he slowly let go of V's waist, and went to grab V's phone, answering it for him. Domino checked the caller ID, it said 'Shun', 'Why the fuck is Shun calling V? She's dating V's brother, for Crow sakes!' "Hello?" Domino answered, clearly pissed at his interrupted bromance time with V. "Hello? Domino? Where's V? Koi was trying to call him but he didn't answer. Can you put V on the phone?" Domino pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly annoyed. "V is sleeping right now, that's why he didn't fucking answer his phone. And why the fuck is Koi looking for V? Can't he call back later or text him or some crap like that?" "Yeah, but Koi is like 'I really need to talk to him. It's highly important' and that shit." "Oh my Crow! How does Koi plan to even talk to him, he doesn't talk! I wonder if he even can talk!" "I don't know, they're both fucking mysterious. I think they have this weird family telepathy or some shit." "Aren't they both like Japanese? Have you ever heard them talk in Japanese?" "I heard Koi talk to Nora in Japanese." "The fuck?!" V started to move around and groan on his bed. "Aww shit..." "What?" "V's gonna wake up if i don't shut up." "Good! Wake him up!" "Hell No!" And with that, V woke up...pissed. "What the FUCK are doing with my phone?" Domino froze instantly, he slowly turned around an saw V, powers activated and hella pissed. His eyes became like a serpent's and ears pointy, with his piercings shining. His teeth grew sharp and long, truly V's form is like a demon's appearance. "Aww...shit." "Hello? Hello? Domino?" And then there was a loud manly(Not) scream coming from an abandoned house.

-Time Skip-

Domino was taking a hot shower in V's bathroom, trying to soothe the pain from V's hard beating. "Goddamnit V, why couldn't you give me a loving beating?...That would be better then an angry beating..." Domino sighed as he rested his head on the wall of the shower, bruises all over his body from the fight earlier and the recent beating he just received. After 15 minutes in the shower, Domino got out. Only to realize that he has no spare clothes at V's house, and he us afraid that V is still in a bad mood so he can't ask him for some clothes. When Domino walked out of the shower, towel around his waist and neck, he saw a set new clothes laid out on the couch for him. Domino smiled softly, silently thanking V for letting him wear his clothes.

-Time Skip : 5 Minutes-

Domino stood in front of V's mirror, checking out the clothes V lent him. They fit him perfectly, understandable since V liked to wear baggy clothes, one of the reasons why his T-shirts are always falling off his shoulders. 'Man V, gotta stop wearing baggy clothes. No wonder Sora says you dress like a Man-whore.' He thought, as he though of Vic's second little sister. Her third little sister is Ascuyla, Vic has too take care of her little sisters by herself. Though V helps out taking care of Ascuyla and Domino help take care of Sora, who is only one and a half years younger than him and Ascuyla is four years younger than V and Domino.

Domino walked out of V's room, drying his hair with his towel. When he walked out he saw V sitting on his couch, reading a thick book. V had his goggles off and glasses on, his hair being held up by various bobby pins and clips. Normally an eighteen year old boy wouldn't have that big amount of bobby pins and clips, but V has long and wild hair...That's at least how V explained it, but his amount of beauty products is still unexplained. V says it's all acne cream, but hard to believe when he has over the usual amount a boy should have. It's also very unbelievable that he own have any acne cream because to a regular person, he would look like he has clear perfect skin.

V heard Domino walk in, not looking or caring he said "Back from your shower? Well, if you're hungry then there's food in the kitchen, D." Domino looked at the kitchen, he saw a big plate of spaghetti sitting on the kitchen counter. "Thanks V, am I supposed eat it all or something?" "No idiot, most of that's for me. Remember? Fast metabolism?" "Oh yeah, forgot. That's why you're skinnier than me." "Screw you, D." "Love ya too, V." Domino said as he went to the kitchen to grab some food.

-Chapter 3 : End-

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