Chapter 5
Travis POV
I was headed for the tree house with Katie, yah we had run into each other when we were both headed that way. "Hey have you seen Miranda" asked Katie. "No I haven't" I said. "Have you seen Conner" I asked honestly. "Yah, Miranda and him went some where" she said.
"Huh, well were here" she said. "After you" I said. She laughed, I love when she laughs. I climbed the ladder after her. Once we got up to the ladder, we tried to open the trap door only to find it locked
"How are we suppose to get inside" asked Katie. "You got a bobby pin" I asked. "Yah sure thing" she said pulling it out of her hair and handing it to me. I picked the lock too easy.
I picked the lock no problem. I finally opened that stupid trap door. We went into the tree house. Only to see clothes every where and the sound of moaning coming from the bedroom.
Katie put her ear to the door, as did I. "Conner!" screamed a girl. "Oh you gotta be joking" said Katie. "What" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "Who have we've been looking for" she asked. "Conner and Miranda" I said. "Well I think I know where and what there doing" said Katie.
I walked over to the couch, sat and turned on a movie. "Come here Katie cat" I said. "Yah ok" said Katie. She sat next to me and I put my arm around her shoulder.
We watched the movie X-Men First Class.
I put Katie in my lap half way through the movie. "Hey Katie" I asked, "Yah Travis" she said. "If you had a super power what would it be" I asked smiling. "Trav I already can control plants" Katie said.
"I know, but if you didn't, what would it be" I asked. "Same, control plants" she said. "Mine would be to become invisible" I said. She laughed and took my hand in hers.
"Conner I seriously think someone is here" said Miranda. "I'm gonna go I the bathroom" said Conner. Katie laughed "I'll be right back" she said getting up. "Go for it" I said smiling.
"Hey Miranda, how's your night going" said Katie opening the bedroom door. "Katie!" screamed Miranda. "Nice to see you too sis" said Katie.
"Could you get my clothes from the other room please" said Miranda. "Yah sure thing" said Katie picking up her clothes and walking to the bedroom, then walking out.
Miranda left after she got dressed and left quickly. Katie came back and sat back on my lap. "Travis, Katie where's Randa" said Conner. "She just left" said Katie not looking away from the movie. "Ok thanks" said Conner leaving the tree house.
"Hey Katie Kates" I asked. "Yah Travis" she said. "This" I said leaning down and kissing her. Katie and I made out for a bit and then finished the movie.
We left and went back to our cabins. "Night" she said letting go of my hand" "Night" I said kissing her, then walking off to my cabin.
Hope y'all enjoyed that chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in so long. Promise I'll work on that. Ok bye!