Wedding Day! Part 1

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Katie POV

I'm getting married today. I opened my eyes to find Travis gone.

Someone then knocked on the door. "Coming" I yelled. I then opened the door. "Katie" said Miranda excited. "Hey sis" I said hugging her. "I brought some people with me" said Miranda walking into the apartment.

"Hey Katie" said Calypso. "Hey Kates" said Thalia. "Still in your pajamas I still see" said Annabeth. "Katherine" said Aphrodite.

"Hello" I said then closing the door. "Ugh Katie, what are you doing in your pajamas" asked my sister. "I just woke up" I said stretching.

"So I hear your cabin is planning something" said Thalia. "Yah, for the years of pranking, us Demeter children are pulling a prank on all Hermes the wedding" I said.

"Hermes, is helping" said Miranda. "Awesome" said Annabeth. Someone then clapped their hands. "Ladies I do believe we have to get ready" said Aphrodite. "Prank first" I said. "Ugh you sound like Travis" said Thalia.

We all laughed. "Okay let's go get our siblings" said Miranda.

Time Lapse (I'm too lazy to write the set up of the prank)

"Girls time to get ready" yelled Aphrodite. "Yes ma'am" we all said in terror.

Travis POV

"Time to get ready I guess" I said to all my groomsmen. "Come down no sweat" said Percy. "Says the guy who is already married" said Conner. "Okay point taken" said Percy.

See it's not over. I'm not dead. this story isn't done. sorry I'm terrible at updating. so here's a new chapter to help the wait.

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