xii : Surprises

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O_O why did I even put that picture up there?

You stood there for a moment. Seeing Natasha moving closer to Bucky, leaning. Her mouth was right next to Bucky's ear. But then suddenly just as her lips were about to reach Bucky, Natasha stopped moving her body & mouth and so was Bucky. Natasha turned her head to you and saw you freeze in front of the door.

"(y/n)?" She didn't expect you to be there. You turned your head and then your body moved to head out from there. "(y/n), it's not like what you're thinking!" Natasha tried to tell you, but you walked away.

You walked to the elevator, going to your own bedroom. The elevator doors opened and you stepped in. Just as you stepped in, you felt a warm hand grabbing your arm and pulling your body away from the elevator. Bucky turned your body facing him, he wrapped his metal arm around your body while his other hand still grabbing your arm.

You stared at his blue green eyes, you were able to see your face reflected beautifully in them."(y/n), look. It's not what you're thinking, okay?" He said to you.

You looked away from him, avoiding eye contacts with him. You said, "Do you even know what I'm thinking?" But he didn't reply and remained silent, you continued, "You don't, do you? You don't even remember about your past. How can I expect you to know what am I thinking about?"

You're clearly upset about the unexpected event. Other than gaining each other's trust, you also grew a feeling for him in the last 3 months. You didn't knew if the feeling was mutual or not, but you keep it anyway. You let the feeling grow in your heart. But then, your heart broke up that night after seeing them together. Now you know that the feeling wasn't mutual. It's a one sided love. Sometimes the reality hurts a lot.

After you said so, you decided to get away from him. It was kind of late at night and you wanted to be alone. You tried to turn yourself away from Bucky, but he didn't let you. He said, "I never thought I would do this after all I've gone through, but..."

He suddenly leaned towards you, closing the gap between both of you and pressed his lips unto yours. His lips were softer than what you thought. You enjoyed the moment even though it didn't last long, he broke the seal after a few seconds.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I just... I..." He was confused of how to explain about what just happened. He let go of you and turned to walk quickly to Steve's room and went to sleep.

You stood there, still in surprise. As soon as you got your senses back, you went back to your bedroom. That night you couldn't sleep well, you kept on thinking about the previous moment. You were still able to feel his lips touching yours.


Flashback dream

That day, you didn't meet Bucky at all. Finally, you decided to go to his room after the lunch time. When you got there, you found him laying on the floor, unconcious. His body was burning hot. You took him to the bed and checked his temperature. He was sweating so much, his clothes were becoming wet. You took of his t-shirt and changed it with a new one.

When you were going to put a wet towel on his forehead, his fists clenched. He suddenly started to mumble in Russian and soon started to scream. You came closer to him and just as you're above him, his eyes opened and he pinned you to the bed with you facing him. Then he strangled your neck with his hand. This time, it was for real. Not a dream. You tried to scream for help...


You woke up with the face of a blonde haired man in front of you. It took you a few moment to realize that it was Daniel, barging into your room without your permission and currently staring at you. You quickly got up and stayed away from Daniel. "W-what are you doing here?!" You asked, still in a little bit of surprise.

"You were really loud, you know? So I just go here to check things up. I mean, anything could happen." He answered to your question.

"Well nothing happened. So... if you can, please get out of this room now. It kind of makes me uncomfortable." You said to him, telling him to get out of your room.

"Oh, sure. I'm sorry." He went outside of your room. You sat back down on your bed and then you heard a knock on your room's door. It was Natasha wanting to meet you. You let her come in and speak her mind off.

"Look, about yesterday, it's nothing like it seems to be. We don't have any kind of relationship, we're just old friends." She said to you, trying to explain about what happened yesterday and that's when your cheeks turned red, remembering the kiss Bucky gave you yesterday. You're trying your best to keep it from Natasha but of course, she noticed your unusual behaviour.

"Did something happen between you and Bucky last night?" She asked you to find out the reason why do you act out of ordinary but you shook your head, saying that nothing happened between you and Bucky. After making sure that you're alright, she went out from your room.

You took a shower and got out of your room, leaving it empty. You went to the dining room to eat breakfast and as we all expected, he's there, Bucky was there.

You sat across him and eat your breakfast. None of you say anything, it was all silence. When you're done, you washed your dishes and while you're doing so, he approached you from behind. He stood next to you and just looked at you.

He finally opened his mouth after a few seconds just standing there, "I think you're still confused about last night and I... I just want to say that I did that because I wanted to. I've wanted to do that since 3 months ago," he paused and continued, "Actually, I started to remember about my past and about... you. I don't know how am I supposed to tell you about this but..."

The next three words, it's the most meaningful words in the world. It is, "I love you." And it's even more special when the someone who said that to you, is someone you loved.


Finally!!! It's been 2 weeks since last time I updated huh? Oh well, this chapter feels kind of rushed. Anyways, I think I watched too much kdrama. Idk but most probably you could see that from how the story went. But oh well, I'm glad I can write again ^^

Anyways, thank you so much for reading my book this far ^-^ It's really meaningful for me. Please vote for this story chapter if you liked it. Please leave comments too so I can understand about what you want. Thx


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