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Ryan didnt even notice Pete in the doorway when he was texting Brendon. Funny how he always showed up when his life seemed to glimmer just a little bit of happiness

"Ryan!" he had shouted

Ryan flinched and threw his phone across the bed out of reaction and Pete smiled

"Who were you texting?"

"N-nobody, I was reading"

Ryan grabbed his phone and quickly changes to a random book that ended up being Wonder which was an idiot choice considering it was a children's book that he hadn't read in about two years

"See!" Ryan says thrusting his phone to Pete.

Pete looked it quickly "Aw was my pretty boy reading a book like the pathetic nerd he is?"

Pete tucked the phone into the back of his black skinny jeans as Ryan flushed from embarresment

"I don't think you need your phone anymore Ry" Pete says softly with that stupid ass smirk

"No! You don't have the fucking right-" he started to say out of a mixture confidence and desperation

Pete forcefully covered Ryans mouth with hand and gave him a stern almost evil look as a few tears slipped down Ryans cheekbones

"Don't talk to me like that again or I'll fuck you up in so many ways, little boy"

Pete threw him hard against the floor and kicked him in his left rib, a dark bruise would definitely be left on his pale skin, leaving him a reminder of how fucked he currently was.

The older boy smirked again before leaving again with Ryan's phone tucked in his back pocket

Ryan needed to get up and to get his phone.

Ryan couldn't get up. The pain etching into his side because almost too much

What lead him to be in a relationship with Pete anyway?

Maybe because of how charming he was? Maybe because of how much he made Ryan feel pretty? That he made Ryan feel loved..

Up until six months ago Pete was a loving, normal boyfriend but then he started hanging out with the wrong people...

People that did drugs and drank, people that taught Pete that doing this was completely alright..

But this was the only love Ryan knew. And he was convinced it was the only love he would ever know.

vv short chapter i know but it's really late and yup


just desserts : rydenWhere stories live. Discover now