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yet another song that inspired this story woops, but in a different way because ? ya listen to it and you'll get where im getting at

Ryan was sick and tired of the hospital, even though it was his last night in this stupid fucking hospital, it made him want to throw up

He was happy however, Brendon's front pressed against his back, arms wrapped around his waist.

Boyfriend wow, that sounded different. And he liked that difference.

"Hey, are you still up?" Ryan mumbles, knowing it was more to himself then to Brendon

He hears Brendon stir, and loosens the grip on Ryan's waist "I am now, what do you need, Ry?"

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you" Ryan sighs "Cant sleep"

Brendon yawns and stretches his arms over his head, laying his back against the mattress of the hospital bed "Its alright, haven't been sleeping very heavily lately"

"I don't blame you" Ryan murmurs, wrapping his tiny frame around Brendon "What were you dreaming about?"

Ryan asks that question a lot, its entertaining listening to what other people think of

Even in the dark room, Ryan can feel Brendon smiling and he pulls Ryan closer "You actually, and me I guess. That we were okay"

"But aren't we already okay?" Ryan mumbles, pressing his face into Brendon's shirt

Ryan can feel that smile again "Yeah, I guess we are"


The morning wasn't as hectic as Ryan thought it would be. The doctor came in and gave Ryan one last look over and told him he could go home in an hour

"Your radius on your right hand is severely sprained and your talus on the same side is in the same state" the doctor says with a semi bored tone.

Ryan had no idea what she was talking about but he was guessing she was talking about the bones that he somehow sprained.

"Okay, you are going to have to keep the braces on for at least a month." she says writing something down on her clipboard "And try to stay of your feet alright?"

Ryan nods and grins at Brendon, who was sitting a few feet away from the nurse.

"Alright Ryan, I think you should get ready to go home" the doctor finally says before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Brendon approaches Ryan, embracing him into his arms. "C'mon lets get ready to go"


They apartment seemed different. And for once in his life ; Ryan liked this difference

It took him awhile to grasp what made that difference but he realized that:

This was his home now

He had Brendon all to himself, he didn't have to worry about Pete hurting him. "Love" didn't have to damage him anymore

"So, um, what do you want to do now?" Brendon asks, shyness taking over his voice

Ryan smiles and kisses him hard, a smile playing at his lips. Brendon didn't respond at first but after getting used to it, his hands grabbing at the smaller boys hips, kissing back with just as much passion

"Why" Ryan breathes into his mouth

Brendon pulls back, eyes closed and hands still firmly on Ryans waist "Why what?"

"Why did you comment on my bandana that day?" Ryan mumbles

Smiling, Brendon pulls Ryan into a hug "Because I liked it, your little 1969 The Beatles vibe is kind of adorable"

Ryan frowns at that considering he looked nothing like Abbey Road era John Lennon like, does he have hair down to his ankles with a beard to match?

"Do you even like the Beatles?" Ryan says, pulling back from Brendon, hands sassily on his own hips "Like, Ive seen your band merch and its literally all screamo and emo"

To his own surprise, Ryan catches Brendon laughing at that "Ry, I listen to fucking Frank Sinatra"

Ryan must of gaped or something because that makes Brendon laugh even harder. He pouted like the baby he was, arms folding against his chest

"Sure I like Linkin Park and Piece the Veil, but I have a section of my heart dedicated to the classics"

Ryan sits down on the couch "What else do I need to know about you?"

Brendon sits down next to him and wraps an arm around him

"That I'm hopelessly in love with you"

"Very cheesy"

"I know, I'm sorry"

yo yo yo (ok mia stop trying)

my baby brother kept pinching my forearm and now there's a bunch of marks there and it really hurts like damn

ah, i feel like i haven't uploaded in awhile, even though thats a lie


im doing my 60s project on the beatles so love me

and it 4th quarter we are doing the 90s so imma do my baby kurt because hesmybabyduh

so yeah thats my life right now


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