Chapter One: Escape

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Hey guys! This is the first chapter of the book and I hope that you like it! I would try to update every weekend!

Ash Mendez's POV:

I'm running with my baby in my arms. I need to get out of here right NOW! I can't believe I got the chance to escape.

I'm so glad that he got caught. This is my opportunity to escape from this horrible place and go far away!

I heard that the alarm started to go off. I looked at the gates and they where starting to close up. I need to run faster or I won't make it and I can't go back! They will kill me if they get me!

I started to run faster and faster. The gate was almost close but I managed to get through and the others stayed back. I started to run faster so that I could find somewhere to escape from them.

I looked around and saw a big tree so I ran up to it and hid behind it. I decided to sit on the ground and rest for a little bit.

Cause then I have to find the airport and somewhere to change my clothes. I look at my baby, he was looking at me with his big almost black eyes.

I need to keep him safe from that monster! I can't believe my brother did this to me. Why would he give me away to that monster!

I looked around to see if anyone from the Mafia was around and when I saw that no one was there I got up and started to walk.

I looked around and saw that I was in the rich people's area. Looking around to see if I could find a way out of this place, I saw a taxi dropping someone off.

I ran up to the taxi and asked the man if he could give me a ride to the nearest airport.

"Please could you give me a ride to the nearest airport" I asked the man.

"Yes of course" said the man to me.

I got into the taxi with my baby. I hope that they don't find me. I put the backpack on the seat. You may be wondering where did the backpack come from.

Well I had it with me all this time I just hadn't mentioned it. I look out the window and saw lots of mansions.

Oh I also forgot to tell you I manage to sneak some money before I left so I could buy an airplane ticket.

Also so I could buy something to eat. The taxi man started talking and that snapped me out of my thoughts.

"We will be arriving at the airport in about 20 minutes Miss" said the man.

"Okay thank you sir" I said to the man.

I looked through my backpack for the baby's bottle so that I could feed him. Oh right my baby's name is Ashton.

I found the bottle of milk and started to feed him. After he was done I decided to try and make him fall asleep.

I would do anything to protect my baby even give him up if it meant he would be safe. I looked out the window and saw buildings.

**** arriving at the airport ****

"Miss we are here" said the taxi man.

"Oh thank you. How much is it" I asked the taxi man.

"It's 20" said the taxi man to me.

"Here" I said to the taxi man while handing him the money.

I got out of the taxi and set off to find a bathroom. I went inside and saw so many people. I haven't been around a lot a people in a while.

I looked around and saw a sign with the words bathroom. I walked to where the bathrooms where so that I could change my baby and I.

In the girls bathroom I saw that it had another door in wish it was for mothers that needed to change and feed there babies.

I decided that I was going to change the baby and myself in there so I went in. When I went in I saw that there actually was a place to put the baby while you used the toilet.

It also had a small shower. Wow I could take a shower in here and shower my baby as well.

The airport bathrooms have improved by a lot! I put my baby in the shower so that I could clean him up.

^^^ after the baby's shower ^^^

I put Ashton's diaper and clothes on, I also put his shoes.

After I finished with Ashton I put him in the small crib that the room had and I took a shower.

^^^ after her shower ^^^

After my shower I put my clothes on and my shoes. I went to where my baby was and took him. We left the small room and to where the rest of the people where.

I looked around for the place that they sell the tickets. Finally I found it and went and asked for two plane tickets.

After I got my tickets I went to the Burger King that was inside the airport so that I could get something to eat.

I ordered a burger with fries and a water bottle. I took my food with one had cause I had my baby in the other and sat down.

I ate my food and fed Ashton his food. After I was done with Ashton I took the trash and threw it in the trashcan.

I went to the waiting area and waited there for my flights name to be called. I was looking around when someone dropped there computer and it made a loud sound that scared Ashton.

Ashton started crying loudly. I started to move him a bit and to speak to him, trying to calm him down.

"Shhh Ashton. Mummy is here. Nothing bad is going to happen" I said to Ashton.

Ashton started to quiet down at the sound of my voice. When he finally stopped crying I looked at his face and I saw that he still had a bit of tears.

I whipped the tears from his face and smiled at him. I love him so much!! I heard the name of my flight being called so I stood up and grabbed my backpack and headed to the airplane in wish hopefully will take me away from this horrible place.

From all of this horrible memories and from all of this horrible people. Specially away from that monster that I hope that I don't ever see again in my life but I know I will. I know that cause he is going to be out of jail soon and I know he will be looking for me to get his revenge.

End Of Chapter 

Hey guys I hope that you like the first chapter of the book!! I'm really feeling this book so I hope that you do to. This book will be part of the Gang Mafia Collection. My other book called Fighting Against The Clans Plus Dream Girl is part of this collection, actually it's the first book of the collection.

With lots of hugs and kiss 💋,

On Our Way To Love ✔️ know as the Big Ass Mafia Is After Me Where stories live. Discover now