Chapter Fifty Five: Bathroom Stall

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Hello!!! How are you guys? It has been a while, I missed you guys. I hope that you guys like this chapter.

Ash's POV:
We were going to start ahead with the plan. We need to stall them until Fernando's men get here. We can't go with them, for sure this time we wont get out of there that easily. Looking around the bathroom I see the window, taking my knife I stood on top of a toilet and started to try and open the window.

"Ash we need to hurry up, they will be here to take us back to the car any minute now." Said Lydia.

I sighed, I thought thy opening a window wasn't going to be this hard. I don't get how I can open a freaking window!

"I can't open the stupid window! Lydia what should we do now?" I ask her.

"Are you sure that you can't open the window?" Asked Lydia.

"Yeah I think it's glued shut." I said to Lydia.

"Well then we go to plan B. One of us need to act like we are sick, we need to act that we are so sick that you can't move nor get out of the stall since your belly hurts too much." Explained Lydia.

"Okay so I'll do it since they can't leave me behind at all." I told Lydia.

"Perfect!" Said Lydia.

"You have your knives and gun right?" I asked her.

"Yup!" She said.

"You need to keep them hidden, they can't know that we have weapons." I told her.

"Don't worry they won't find out." Said Lydia. I sighed, well here go nothing.

"Go inside the stall now so that nothing looks suspicious." Said Lydia. I went into the stall and sat down on the dirty toilet. A gas station bathroom isn't the best place to hide but this is all we got.

I heard a nock on the door of the bathroom entrance.

"Are you guys done? We need to leave now." Said a man's voice.

"We can't go out now." Said Lydia to the man.

"Why the hell not?!" Asked the man.

"Ash isn't feeling well she has been in the bathroom stall this whole time. She can't even stand that well. She is even vomiting." Said Lydia.

"Well we need to go!" Yelled the man.

"Well we can't until Ash finishes unless you want to leave us behind. Plus you who ever that Six guys is and his team here to protect us from Leo's Beta team." Said Lydia to the man.

"Just uhh... try to hurry up, we need to leave as soon as possible." Said the man in a uncomfortable tone.

"Okay!" Said Lydia with a excited tone.

I didn't hear more talking so I think the man left. I heard nocking on my stall door.

"It's me Lydia, his gone you can come out now." She said. Thank goodness this bathroom stall smelled horrible.

I opened the bathroom stall door and went out. Looking around the bathroom again I didn't see anything that could help us escape.

"Lydia what do we do now?" I asked her.

"I don't know, we have to keep stalling until Fernando's men come, we can't let them take us." She said.

"I know but I have a feeling that they won't buy our story for long." I said to her.

"Me too but we have to keep it up as much as we can." Said Lydia.

This is going to be really hard to keep up. Hopefully they don't have any women here with them cause then it will be even more difficult to keep up the act. Please come fast, I can't go back with them. They will abuse me to a whole other level and that's not all they will probably kill me at the end. I can't die, I need to be here for Ashton and Finn. Ashton needs his mother in his life, even though I haven't known Finn for that long I still consider him as my son and he will need me as well in his life. 

I want to be with Fernando without any worries about our safety. I'm hoping that his already almost done with his stuff in Chile cause I need him here with me and the kids. We will have a family together one day, I just know it. But before I think about any of this I need to get out of here safe and with Fernando's mom.

"I'm going to try and open the window again." I told Lydia.

"Okay." She said while looking at me with hopeful eyes. I need this window to open and now. I got up on the toilet with my knife on my hands. I tried to unscrew the bolts on the window to see if we could get out this way. At first I couldn't do anything but then it started to unscrew. Yes, there is a chance that we may get out of here.

"Lydia I think we will be able to get out of the bathroom through the window." I told her.

"Really?" She asked with and excited and hopeful tone in her voice.

"Yeah!" I told her with a bit of excitement. I kept unscrewing the bolts of the window until I unscrew them all. I took the window by the sides and took it out. We had a way out! There was still a chance that we could escape them.

"We can get out through here." I told Lydia.

"We can." I told her.

"Thank goodness that you managed to take out the window." She said.

"Yeah, we have a chance to escape this idiots." I told her.

"Come on let's get out of here." I told her. When I was about to get down from the toilet so that Lydia could go out first I heard a nock on the door.

Then a voice said: "are you guys done? Is Ash okay to go?" Asked a man's voice.

Well shit things got even more complicated...

End of Chapter

Well I hoped that you guys liked the chapter!

Let me know what you guys think about it in the comments section below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

With lots of love ❤️ and hugs 🤗,

Also remember to check out the second book in the Mafia collection called: Mistakes.

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