Chapter Forty Six: Breaking Down

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Hello!! New update hope you guys like it!!

Fernando's POV:
I had just finished talking with Manuel about how we were going to take down what's left of the Limitation mafia back in Chile. We made an amazing plan that without a doubt will work.

Let me explain the plan. The first step is that when we get there Manuel's men will be on the South and West borders, my men will be in the North and East borders. When we are all ready we will start closing in until we arrive at the mafia house. We're doing it this way so that there is no chance of anyone escaping.

The second part of the plan is to see who is in the mafia by force and see if they want out. If they want out will have someone close to them to make sure they don't rat us out. We will have to be informed of were they are going and who there are with by the person that we have checking them.

Third part of the plan is to see who wants to join one of our mafias and see if they are trustworthy. They will have to prove there loyalty. Fourth part of the plan is to check if there is anyone that wants to rebel against us and well let's just say they will be out of the picture immediately.

The fifth step is to renovate the houses and see what was Leo's properties. Will see what we can do to make the place better. I will be living a few of my men to train the ones that will be part of my mafia. The ones that will be part of the Rey mafia will go with Manuel and will be trained in Spain.

I will be going to Chile once a month to see the progress. But that's about it,  I won't make everything a big deal cause I won't have a lot of problems taking down the rest of the mafia since I have Manuel with me.

The doors to the hospital room opened and a nurse came in. She looked around the room and when she saw me she started to walk in my direction. I stood up and put an emotionless look on my face.

"You must be Mr. Pasquarelli, I'm here to inform you that you can go visit Ms. Ash. But please if she's still asleep then don't wake her she needs as much rest as she can get." Said the nurse.

"Thank you for telling me." I said in a calmed tone but that showed authority.

"Your w-wel-lco-ome. I'll b-be going." Said the mira looking nervous. She didn't even look at me in the eyes.

The nurse left the room and closed the door behind her. I had to act this way cause even though I was okay with showing the doctor how I felt doesn't mean I have to do that with everyone. I'm still a mafia boss so I need to keep up my image. I have to go and see Ash but I can leave my kids alone. I'll call one of my men to stay here with them while I'll go see Ash.

I opened the door and saw one of my men so I went up to him.

"Boss." Said DJ.

"DJ I need you to stay with my kids inside the room will I'll go see Ash." I said to him with a serious look on my face.

"Of course. I'll be going." Said DJ. I nodded at him and he went inside the room.

After I made sure that the kids were still asleep I made my way to Ash's hospital room. Her room was two floor up from where I was so I took the elevator. The elevator's doors closed and I hit the number 5 bottom. When I finally got to the floor that I was supposed to the doors of the elevator opened and I got out.

I made my way to Ash's room. On my way I saw the nurses and doctors working. I saw family members looking happy and some look sad but others look defeated. Hospitals are hard to be in. You can see different kinds of emotions, you can feel different kinds of emotions. Looking around I saw Ash's room and I went up to it.

I looked at the door and I felt nervous. I didn't want to see Ash in this condition. It made me feel angry, sad and worried. Taking a deep breath I opened the door. I went into the room and saw a the doctor I had talked to a few hours ago. Then I looked at Ash, she looked in pain. She looked broken. She looked defeated. Ash had a cast on her right leg, she had a cast on her left arm, bandages on her head and neck. I could see that she had stitches just above her eyebrows.

She looked like she had fought in a war. Actually did fight in a war a huge one at that. I felt different kinds of emotions, I felt happy that she made it out alive and gets a chance to have a family. But I'm furious at how badly injured she turned out to be.

"Mr. Pasquarelli like I told you please make sure you do everything I said and recommend so Ash can have a good recovery. She is supposed to wake up soon." Said the doctor.

"Okay." I said. I couldn't say anything else I felt that if I said anything else I would snap, I would lose control over my emotions.

I went up to Ash and sat down on a chair that I pulled closed to Ash's hospital bed. I took her not injured had in mine and squeezed it a bit. I stayed there looking at her fragile state. She needs to wake up. I felt something wet on my cheek and that's when I realized that I was crying. I was crying cause of all the things Ash and Ashton went through, I was crying for all the things me and Finn went through. I was crying, I let myself show weakness.

"Ash please wake up soon." I said and cried harder.

End of Chapter

Hey guys! Just how I promised I updated again this week!

This book is coming to and end but don't worry I have an other book already planned.

Remember to vote for me, for this book in #wattys2017‼️

Let me know how you guys liked this chapter in the comments section!

With lots of ❤️ and 🤗

Sneak Peek: Mistakes

Sneak Peek: Mistakes

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