Chapter Forty Three: I Got Them and His Gone

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❌❌❌IMPORTANT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

Hello!!! Okay so I know I always say that I will try to update more but I don't, so guys I will be starting to update more this summer. The book is almost done but don't worry cause I'm planning another book that is related to this one. As of right know it has to do with Ash's past but nothing is for sure. Please let me know if you guys would read a book that has to do with Ash's past or what kind of book do you guys want me to write. Tell me in the comment section‼️‼️‼️

Fernando's POV:

She laid on the floor a pool of blood around her. I looked up and saw Leo. His a dead man. I took my gun out and shot him but he managed to get out of the way just in time. Needing to get cover I went behind a desk and looked around the room to see if I could find Leo. I saw him hiding behind a crib. I shot him but it was only his arm.

I need to take him out and now! Plus I need to check on Ash, she can't die on me. I heard a sound come out of Ash so I knew that she was alive. If I don't take her to the hospital then she will die. Leo, he was pointing his gun at Ash but I'm not going to let him kill her. I won't allow it. I pointed my gun at him and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Leo on the chest, I shot him again but this time on his head.

This must have taken him out. I need to get Ash. I took my phone out and dialed the hospital's phone number. I went up to Ash. I took her hand and started to look for a pulse. She didn't have one. She couldn't be dead! No! I put my phone on speaker and started to do CPR on her. I need to get a pulse on her. Come on Ash you can't die on me.

"Hello how may I help you?" Said a woman's voice from my phone.

"I need you to send an ambulance to my place, this is Fernando by the way." I said to the woman.

"Of course, may I know what's going on?" Asked the woman.

I kept doing CPR on Ash, I checked for a pulse and found one. Yes! She's not dead.

"I just finished doing CPR on my girlfriend, I got a pulse on her but it's really low. She's also losing a lot of blood I need you to hurry up!" I said to the woman on the phone.

"She also has a lot of injuries like on her back and ribs, I think that her foot as well." I said.

"Okay don't worry they should be there any second now." Said the woman just as I heard an ambulance.

Thank goodness. They are here.

"Ash you need to keep strong this is almost over. You need to keep strong for Ashton. For me. Please hold on!" I said to Ash.

The paramedics came into the room and told me to move so that they could take Ash. They strapped her up and got her into the ambulance. I wanted to go with her but I need to see if the kids made it to the safe room. I went back to what used to be Finn's room. I opened the metal door.

I walked in, the hallway was dark I couldn't here anything and that made me scared. Yeah I was scared that I wouldn't see my kids again. I already consider Ashton as my own. But then I saw a door and light came out of it. They must be here. I opened the door. I walked in. I didn't see anyone in here. But then I felt a gun on my head. Shit!

"Well look who decided to join us." Said a voice that I knew to well.

It was my dad.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"You thought I wouldn't remember this place? Please I was the one that made it!" Said my dad.

"Your son is really cute and so is Ash's." Said my dad.

"Where are they?! What did you do to them?! Where are the girls." I asked my dad.

"They are in the next room, I trapped them there. And I put a gas that would nock them out soon." Said my dad.

"You bastard!" I yelled.

"Don't make me pull the trigger, you may be my son but I don't care!" Said my dad.

"You never did." I said then in one swift motion I pushed my dad away and took the gun from his hand.

With his own gun I took him out. He was gone. He wouldn't bother me nor my family again. It was finally over. My family won't be in danger no more. I went out of the room and looked for the room where my dad had trapped my sons and there sisters. They where my family. I need to find them and got to Ash.

I ran through the hallways until I found an other door. I opened the door and smoke came out and I felt my it get into my lungs. He really did put some kind of gas. I looked around and saw the girls on the floor with my boys on there arms. The girls where almost past out.

"Joanna! Joan!" I yelled.

The girls looked up. They looked at me and smiled. I ran up to them. The boys where unconscious. I had to get them to the hospital. I took the boys from there arms.

"Can you girls walk or do you need help?" I asked them.

"We need help but you go and get the boys to the hospital and then come back for us." Said Joanna.

"I'll call my men to come and get you guys to the hospital but I'm going first with the boys." I explained to the girls.

"Don't worry they are more important than us." Said Joan.

"You are all important." I said. Then I turned around and made my way out of the safe room.

I need to get to the hospital...

End of the Chapter

Again guys I'm so sorry for not updating but just wait till summer! I will be updating a lot!

Tell me what you think about this chapter in the comments.

*I want to know what you guys think will happen next in the next chapter!! *

With lots of love ❤️ and hugs 🤗

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