Chapter Thirty Four: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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(after he shot the men and is trying to get information out of one of them in the hotel)

Fernando's POV:

I looked at the man that was in the bed. You could tell that he was in a lot of pain but did I care? NOPE!

"Okay lets try this again... Whats your name?" I asked the man.

the man looked at me but didn't say anything. Well I'll give him five seconds before I stab him in the arm. One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Well I'm stabbing him in his left arm! I took my knife and stabbed him in the left arm, and I kept digging it even deeper. The man yelled and thrashed in pain but I just kept digging it deeper into his arm.

"Okay I'll speak j-j-us-t-t stop!" all but yelled the man.

I stopped digging the knife dipper and then I took it out of his left arm. There was blood everywhere. It was in the floor, bed and walls.

"So your name..." I said to the man.

"Jacko..." Said the man, well Jacko.

"Well Jacko I would love to know who is the one from my mafia that is giving you guys information on me, Ash and Ashton." I said to Jacko.

He looked at me with fear in his eyes, but like always I didn't care.

"So..." I said when he didn't say anything.

Jacko looked at me and then laid his head on the bed.

"Its... its some guy named Loyd." said Jacko.

I just stood there, I was shocked. Loyd... Fucking Loyd! One of the men that I trusted the most! The one that I send after Ash in that plane! Fuck! This is so complicated. Wait Loyd knows where my family lives. He knows about my son! Fucking hell! This is not good... I have to call my mom right NOW! I took out my phone and called my moms phone. It rang like twice before it picked up.

"Well hello Fernando! You finally got it out of Jacko... my boy I thought that you would have done it faster... I'm very disappointed in you! I taught you better than that." said my... my father...

How is he here?! I had left him injured and ready to die in his own he couldn't have survive unless he had help. Who could have helped him? Wait... no... no, it can't be. He couldn't have helped him.

"The mafia boss of Limitation helped you, thats how you survived." I said to my father.

"Exactly! You are good! But thats not the point right now. I have your mother and your son here with me. Let me tell you for a one year old he put a big fight! You taught him well for a one year old. But to bad he wasn't no match for my men... So I bet you want to know where we are well, how about you figure it out on your own! Also remember I have your mother son and soon I'll have Ash and Ashton with me..." said my father.

"What do you mean?" I asked my father, scared that he may know where Ash is.

"Oh well that was a nice message that you said to Ash. How you like her and to not go to the safe house." said my father.

Fuck he knew where Ash is!

"Live her alone." I said to my father.

"But why? I need her... part of my job is to get her and give her to the boss." said my father.

"You wouldn't..." I said to my father.

"Oh son but I would." my father said and then he hanged up.

He fucking hanged up! He is going after Ash and Ashton as well... I need to warn her. But first I need to finish this guy up. I looked at Jacko that was covered in his own blood. I wish I had more time so that I could finish him slowly but I don't so fast is how its going to go. I took out my gun and aimed at his head, I pulled the trigger. A bang sounded around the room from the gun shot. Then I shot him in his chest just in case he survive that, in wish I doubt. I went to the closet and changed my clothes, I didn't want someone to see the blood and call the police. After I changed I walked out of the room and went through the stairs. I wasn't going to take any chances with the elevator, I may get stuck in it. Then I started to call Ash. Finally she picked up.

"Ash listen to me... I like you a lot but right now my father knows where you are and his working for the Limitation mafia. He his after you so I need you to be careful okay?" I asked Ash.

"That would be really sweet to hear if I was Ash but I'm not. Hello Fernando its Loyd. You are bit to late to warn Ash we already have her." said Loyd.

Why?! Why did he have to be working with the Limitation mafia?!!

"Where is she and Ashton?" I asked Loyd.

"Well Ash is going to have the time of her life with the mafia boss and Ashton well if I'm not mistaking one of the mafia boss daughters is taking care of him." said Loyd.

Shit this is bad not only does the mafia boss have my son and mother but he also has Ash and Ashton! I need to get in contact with Julio, Jack and Lee Ann.

"What do you want?" I ask Loyd.

"Thats simple I want your mafia, I want to be the boss." said Loyd to me.

"No! You are not getting my Mafia!" I said in a strong voice.

"Well then I guess you are not going to see your family or the people that you love in a while..." said Loyd.

End Of Chapter

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A little about my life:

Well I'm happy cause this book already had 5k of reads!!! This is amazing! Also can't wait for Christmas! Let me know about your day or what do you want for Christmas!!!

Go check out my new book called Mistakes that will be up soon!

Go check out my new book called Mistakes that will be up soon!

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With lots of love,


On Our Way To Love ✔️ know as the Big Ass Mafia Is After Me Where stories live. Discover now