twenty three

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A/N cal is me when I turn twenty one.

We were at the airport checking in.

"I can't believe we get to see them again in person!" Said Sophie

"I know I haven't hugged mike in 5 months." Laughed Teegan

"I haven't hugged Cal in Two days." I joked

"At least you get to see him every day." They laughed

"True but I miss Cal, I can't sleep without him cuddling me."

"Aww that's cute." Said Teegan

"Flight 147 to Los Angeles California now boarding." Said the intercom

There was our que to board the plane.

Teegan and Sophie seats were infront of mine. I sat by the window again.

I had my headphones plugged in listening to Basket case by green day.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around, "Carter!" I said excitingly

Teegan and Sophie turned around too looking at us.

"Girls this is the boy I was talking about!" I squealed

"Hi I'm Carters mom my name is Jessica." She said politely

"I told my mom about James." He whispered in my ear.

I nodded my head, "hi I'm Trin."

"You have a funny accent." She said saying the exact same thing like what Carter said the day we met which was two days ago.

"Mommy she's Australian! She's from Sydney, Australia!" He said giggling

"Oh this is the Trin, you wouldn't stop talking about." She smiled
"Trin I want to thank you for encouraging Carter to tell me. I'm so happy he told me about James. I already knew that he liked boys, but I just didn't know if he knew if he was sure about it and the way he felt." She said

"No problem I'm glad he came out too, most kids don't tell anyone." I said

"James dad said it was okay he finally accepted me and James!" Said Carter

"That's awesome buddy!" I said the giving him a high five.

"Where are you staying in California?" Asked Jessica

"I'm actually on tour with my boyfriend and his band. They have a show tonight at the Staples center." I said

"Oh how fun, do you like traveling?" She asked

"Yeah I do but living in a bus isn't that bad. It gets bad when you have four boys who don't clean up after themselves." I laughed

The plane had already taken off.

"What band is your boyfriend in? If you don't mind me asking." Said Jessica

"He's in Five Seconds Of Summer, they're touring with One Direction." I said proudly

"WHAT!" Whispered Yelled Carter.

"Do you like them?" I asked giggling

"You betcha! I love one direction! I even listen to fivesos!" He said

"Wow you even know how to say their name! Most people say five es oh es." I laughed

"I'm a huge fan! I can't believe you know them!" He said excitingly

"Well since you're a very awesome kid, how about I give you and your mum free tickets and back stage passes?" I said

"Oh no it's okay you don't have to." Said Jessica

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