twenty nine

65 3 0

"Trin lets shoot some hoops?" Asked Ash

"Sure Ash, but you'll get your ass whooped!" I said laughing

"We'll see about that." He challenged

Ash was missing most of his while I made mine.

"Wow Ashton you suck balls." Said Luke

"I'd like to see you try." He snorted

We started off with three minutes on the clock but now there was only 50 seconds left. I had scored 24 points while Ash had only scored 7.

"AH SHIT!" I said cheering I had beat Ash.

"God damn Trin do you play basketball?" He asked

"Well she did at her school." Chirped Mike

Oh yeah I forgot to mention did I?

I never went to school with the boys. I went to a private school for girls, which sucked ass. At least I dropped out there is no way that those girls miss me and I miss them. I've known Mike my whole life. When he started playing in the band he introduced me to his band mates. I've known Luke since he and I were 14. They didn't really start taking their band seriously until Cal and Luke were 16. While Mike was 17 and Ashton had just turned 18.

"Luke I want to see you get your ass kicked by Trin!" Said Mike

"Actually Soph said she wanted to play didn't you Soph?" I said cocking an eyebrow

She blushed a deep shade of red, "um erm sure." She muttered awkwardly

"This is going to be easy, I'll go easy on you baby cakes." Said Luke

"Oh it's on." She said

After the game Luke finally spoke.

"You play basketball too?" He questioned

"Yep." She smiled "oh Luke?" She said

"Yes my dear."

"You ain't shit." She laughed

"Ow that hurt my heart." He said fake crying.

"Alright Teegan and Mike are up. It's not like Teegan plays basketball too so this should be easy Mike." Said Cal

"Maybe after them you can play against me?" I asked

"Oh no babe I think we should play racing game?" Cal suggested

"Sure but baby you know I'm a shitty driver in real life." I giggled

"You know we can crash our virtual cars together." He chuckled

"You're a dork." I laughed

"Only yours." He said pecking my lips.

After watching Teegan and Mike go against each other Mike finally gave up.

"GOD DAMN DO ALL OF YOU GUYS PLAY BASKETBALL!" He yelled out frustrated.

"I guess we do." Said Sophie smirking.

"Aww it's okay Mike you didn't win here but you did win in my heart." She said making a sad face but trying not to laugh.

"Okay so your girlfriends can kick your asses at basketball that's fucking awesome!" Yelled Ash

I decided to pick on ash and mimic him. "Aye don't swear!" I said it a deep but crackled voice.

"Hey!" He laughed

I just smiled.

"Trin can't beat me at soccer though." Smirked Cal

"Well we will see about that.. Wait you're right I can't play any other sports." I laughed

"I'm just not athletic." Said Mike

"WE KNOW!" We all said at the same time laughing.

"Fuck all of you besides Teegan." He mumbled

"You say that now just wait until later." Snorted Luke

Sophie punched Luke, "ow what was that for." He frowned

Teegans face was red and she looked uncomfortable.

"Touchy subject Luke knock it off." Scoffed Soph

"I'm sorry I didn't know." He mumbled

All the guys had walked off to a different game while Soph and Teegan stayed.

"Cal I'm going to talk to them I'll meet you at the racing game in 5 minutes." I said kissing his cheek

"Okay." He smiled

"Teegan I'm so sorry he said that." Frowned Soph

"No it's okay it's just that I don't like talking about it." Said Teegan

"Neither do I, Cal and I have been together for half a year and we still haven't had sex yet." I said

"I know we both like each other a lot it's just I don't want to get hurt you know? And I want to know he's the one." She said

"Same for me and Luke." Said Soph

"I understand both of you. That's exactly how I feel about me and Cal I just feel like when the right time comes we'll know." I said

"Yeah that's exactly what I'm saying. I just want to wait." She said

"Me too." Soph chimed

"Okay since we all hate unecessary drama let's go and forget about that. I don't know about you guys but I'm going to fail at kicking my boy friends ass." I laughed

We all laughed and went back to playing games.

This day off turned out really great. They love performing but we also love to have fun.

The bonus was there were no fans that crowded around us or took pictures of us. Don't get me wrong we all love the fans especially the boys but they can get out of hand.

"See I told you we would fail together." Said Cal

"You're so cute."

"Thank you but I'm not beautiful like you are." He said crinkling his nose a tad bit.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked

"I don't know I ask myself the same thing." He said then leaning in to give me a kiss

"Maybe we are just both blessed people." I mumbled into the kiss

"That's because we are." He said then kissing me once more then pulling away. He smiled down at me in aww while I stared up at him admiring his gorgeous physical feature.

A/N yay that was cute and I Didn't know whether to include the sex talk but I did anyways. Its okay to wait:) it's the right thing to do. But that's my opinion if you think otherwise then you do what you think is right!

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