Episode #1 Just another day at the job

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Episode #1 Just another day at the job

"You've got the symbol and you get the job done, for all that's worth you are Superman"
Coronell, Young Justice

Green Dash's POV:

Bank robbery is actually more simple than what one may think, and any smart guy would be able to figure it out. First you choose the place. It's better if it's far away from a police station, but you also need it to be in an area with little traffic. Then you calculate the best get-away routes and how long it takes the police to get there. After that you gotta analyze the security system and choose a day. Unlike what most people think it's better to attack during the day since the people there can buy you a bit time if you play your cards properly. But it's better if you don't have hostages since they become a problem really fast. And finally, wear a freaking mask, and clothes you can throw quickly so you can't be identified. It's so easy any smart person could pull it off.

But this guys weren't smart, oh no, they couldn't just go, get the money and leave. They had to go and take the big movie heist route. They had to barge in at rush hour and make a big commotion so anyone in around could hear and call the police. They had to take all the hostages and go in without masks because...badassery I guess. They set up snipers and human turrets, and of course, even 'tho this doesn't even work in the movies; they had to make the big demands when the police arrived.

"We want a bulletproof car and a plane with a full tank in an hour or I'm going to start blowing some heads up in here!" The guy who I assume was the leader of the group screamed while pointing his assault rifle at an old man "And if I see even a single super trying anything funny..."

Then what, you are going to start blowing some heads? Pfft... Even the kid that you have captive in there can see right through your bullshit, those hostages are the only reason the police haven't shoot you dead by now.

Still, the situation was tense, they had already shot a barrage of bullets at the cops and I'm pretty sure they actually hurt someone. Chief Reyes had his megaphone, trying to negotiate. And regardless of how stupid the robber's plan is, they are well organized and communicated, making any effort from the policemen to go in and save the hostages pretty much useless. The reporters had already arrived at the scene making things more difficult for the force and for myself actually, if I didn't act now things would begin to escalate and it would all go downhill from there.

You see, there's another reason these guys were stupid, I mean, who on earth attacks a bank so openly when you know there are superheroes on the city, I mean seriously, do they really think that we, that I would let them get away with this?

I fixed the polarized, high-tech diver goggles on my eyes, put the green extensions on my hair and wrapped the long green scarf around my neck. From my position in the rooftop of a building a few meters away it would take me about five seconds to reach the sniper and take him down, fifteen for the two guys on the roof of the bank, thirty-five for the ones in the third and second floor and a minute to reach the bottom and take down the boss and the last of his henchmen.

Taking a few steps I stood up on the ledge of the five story tall building where I was. I pictured my body leaving the ground and floating up in the sky, and jumped. The air roared loudly in my ears and my hair flowed along my scarf as a force enveloped my body making it go up in the air instead of down. I corrected my position and put my fists in front of me flying fast towards the sniper a few buildings away.

Rather than landing, I turned myself around as I reached him and aligned my foot with his head. Have you ever been hit by a kick from a guy wearing combat boots, flying at around 100mph? Well, past experiences have told me it hurts like a bitch.

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