Episode#4: Calling the Devil

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Episode#4: Calling the Devil

"I don't like bullies, i don't care where they are from"

Steve Rogers/Capitain America, Captain America: The First Avenger

Erick's POV:

I looked at my watch for the unthenth time in the last hour. I would have believed the constant tapping of my foot and my sighing every two minutes would be a dead giveaway to the fact I didn't want anything to do with this conversation anymore. But Green is really bad to notice other people when he's rambling about something.

"...it'll be like a walk in the park for you. You won't have to use your powers and if things go south, Mach-5 will be close and she'll be able to handle it." He said for the tenth time. Completely disregarding my previous answer.

"Are you done?"



"Oh c'mon!" He said exasperated. As if he was the on that had to listen to incesant and annoying talking from a very loud, very obnoxious, very naked roommate.

"I would believe you would have understood by now the fact that I won't take part in any plan that involves heroism; and, or powers; and, or you."

He pouted childishly, as if that would change a decision I had made years ago.

"C'mon bro, we need the info. It'll be easy for you to get it. Specially if you go with Python's little brother. The boy's a telepath"

"Good, perhaps he'll be able to tell me whether you have a brain or not" He gasped, faking being hurt.

"I'll have you know I do have a brain, and my fool proof plan shows it"

How can a fool make a fool proof plan?

"Your plan is flawless except for one little detail. I'm on it."

"Oh darling, don't think so lowly of yourself. "

"I'm not thinking lowly of myself. I'm setting myself pretty high actually, that's why I don't want to be part of your plan...that and the little fact that we agreed that I wouldn't do any hero work...FOUR YEARS AGO!"

What am I supposed to say for it to get through that thick, bulletproof skull of his? We even signed a contract! And yet the idiot still thinks it's ok to try and get me to do something I don't want to, just because it would be 'easy' for me.

"You already help us at the base. What's the difference?"

"Me helping taking on the base in the rare case Python is needed on the field, is completely different from being an active operative. I don't have to use a codename, a weird suit or, most importantly : My Powers."

"But the team needs you there this time."

"That’s bull!" I stood up and looked at him in the eye " 'The Team' doesn't need me to be a hero, you WANT me to be one. " I poked his puffed chest " And since Green Dash always gets what he wants, you find a way to add me to every single plan of yours. Despite the fact that I've told you a million times that I don't want to be part of any that."

He greeted his teeth "This isn't about you or me. This is about doing the right thing. There's a wave of crime in the city and they are all connected. We need your help getting the info so stop being so selfish."

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