Episode #3: Dying of Hunger

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Episode #3: Dying of Hunger

"Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about tow blocks from here. I don't know what it is but I want to try it."
Tony Stark, The Avengers.

Green Dash's POV:

The artificial lights of the city began to shine, replacing the warm golden rays of the sun as it set on the horizon. The traffic ran smoothly as parents left their office jobs and began driving to their homes, where their partners awaited for them with a nice dinner at the table, and their kids said goodbye to their friends and made their way back inside before it got too dark. They all lived happily and without worries, knowing that they had the ever wavering eyes of superheroes to protect them from danger, they trusted them and celebrated them. Honoring them for their selfless promess to protect them with no retribution, even die for the city they swore alliance to.

And here I am, perpetuing the legacy that my father created, watching this city from it's tallest building, Imperial Tower, waiting patiently for an emergency to arrive so I can go to it and deal with the situation. Here I am, an unwavering tower of justice that stands proud against crime. Here I am, the one that adults and child's alike look up to in awe and admiration, as if I was a messenger from the gods themselves sent to the Earth to bring peace and order to it's never ending chaos. Here I am, the symbol of this city, the protector they call for when the darkest of hours arrive. Here I am..... dying of hunger.

I mean seriously, how am I supposed to look after this city as the inmortal hero I'm supposed to be, if my stomach doesn't stop reminding me that I'm, in fact, mortal and I need to eat? Damn you calorie consuming super human abilities! The job of a superhero may be exiting, but it has many disadvantages, not being able to eat sometimes is one of them. I should've listened to mom and bought some energy bars with me, I should also probably get an utility belt too while I'm on that, maybe dad can get me one... but that's not the point, the point is that I am hungry and I need food, badly. I had to skip breakfast and had a pretty lousy meal alongside some snacks here and there, not food for a superhero trying to save the day.
I could probably go to the burger joint around the block real quick and get a hamburger or something, I got cash on me and all, but I'm supposed to meet dad here in 10 minutes so that means I have very little time to do it. Why is time always an issue with me? My stomach growled, no, roared in impatience. While my brain knows not to disobey our father, my body needs seems to pass over reason. (The history of my life).

I walked to the other side of the building, locating the small joint's sign and using my googles to zoom in. The drive thru seemed empty enough, I most likely could order something real quick and still have enough time as to not be late twice on a day. Not needing another reminder from my stomach that was starting to eat itself, I jumped from the roof and let my body fall free a few meters, watching my hair and scarf flow wildly on the reflection on the dark windows of the tower, before letting the force engulf me again and change my position midair, driving me through the sky above cars and buildings towards my destination.

I made a slow descent towards the drive thru section, is it ok if I use it without a vehicle? Well I'm not exactly walking, so i guess it's fine. I ordered my food and went around the corner to receive it, just in time to see an old car speeding on the lane as the cashier told the guy in it that he had to pay. Are you freaking serious?, stealing at a drive thru?, I mean I get it, it's food, I'd kill for food. But is it really worth it?

This may have been my lunch but I was still on duty, so I quickly dashed towards the speeding car and grabbed it's backside, effectively stopping it dead on it's tracks with no effort. The driver still tried to get it out of my grab tho, and the sound of a speeding tire so close to my face was rather unpleasant "You know, I've kinda had a pretty bad day, and I'm also hungry. So why don't we make this simple, you turn of that car and pay for the food before I fly you all the way to the police station. Economy ain't good right now so if I were you I'd choose the one that doesn't have me paying prison fees."

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