New Roommates

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Trystan Above

November's P.O.V

Ariana and I walked up the stairs while she that Trystan's room is right beside mine. I couldn't help but feel butterflies and I don't even know who she is talking about. We reach my new room and it was huge, three times the size of my old bedroom. 

I remembered that I wanted to ask Ariana something, "Ariana, Trystan doesn't know why I'm here, does he?" 

Ariana said "No of course not! Only my parent's do and they said that they won't tell anyone"

Relief floods through me, I responded "Thanks for telling them so I didn't have too"

She said "It's fine I saw how you were when you told the girls, so I thought I'd tell my parents because I don't like seeing you cry"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her reason, she really is a great friend to me. I have never had a good friend.

After an hour, we finally finished unpacking my things and decided to go downstairs to have dinner. It's scary for me though, because this is the first time in 12 years that I have ever had a proper dinner. 

Normally I would just grab an apple or sandwich because my dad all the dinner I made, so there was never any left for me. I believed he just did that on purpose to make sure I don't eat. I even tried one time making a double batch of pasta to have leftovers for me, but no, of course, he ate every single piece.

I was also nervous to see Trystan but also angry which I have no idea why but I just did. Ariana and I sit down at the dining table with her parents. I hear footsteps on the stairs and he faces his back to me. He ignores everyone and grabs his plate and takes it to straight to his room. 

That was kind of rude, but who am I to judge.  Ariana said he always does that but, I could tell she was lying. I knew it was because of me and the fact that I'm staying here. I couldn't help but feel unwelcomed because of how he is acting towards me.

I felt angry with myself for how I made him feel shit, now I sound stupid but it's true I don't know if I can stay here with him acting like this. This is his home and I just came in and ruined it for him. 

I only ate half of my dinner as I was already full, I don't really eat much. I barely ate at my house, so to actually eat while take me a little while to get use to. I thanked her parents for dinner and I decided to walk to his room. 

I knocked on the door but there was no answer. Something was pushing at me to open his door, so I did and wow did I regret it. I walked in there and saw the same girl from the bathroom from yesterday, kissing him. It was at that moment that I realised that giant was Trystan.

I saw them having sex, I felt like crying but they realised I was standing there. The girl screamed at me "GET THE FUCK OUT FREAK, WERE FUCKING BUSY" 

That triggered memories of my father I just it made me just want to throw up but at the same time curl into a ball and cry.

I ran into my room and locked the door behind me. I started to pack my stuff as I would rather have to suck up with my father abuse, than stay here. 

Once I finished packing my things, I saw a window in my room and I decided to jump from it. But before I could, I heard fucking moaning noises from Trystan's room. I was just standing in his room before, yet he still fucks that bitch.

I jump the window and run to my house, I know I would get a beating from my father but I don't care. I'd rather a beating than have to listen to Trystan and that bitch going at it. I climbed through my bedroom window, silently hoping my father wouldn't notice. 

The God's above answered my prayer as I saw him asleep. Thank fuck it's Friday, otherwise, it would be one awkward day at school.

I decided to lock myself in my room for the weekend with a few snacks I snuck in and watch Pretty Little Liars for the whole weekend.

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