Girl's Night

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Cameron Above

November's P.O.V

I woke up feeling warm arms tightly wrapped around my waist, it felt comfortable and right. Until I realised who the arms belonged to. Trystan... He is so confusing, he is acting as he likes me now but it wasn't that long ago that he hated me.

I tried to get out of his strong grip but he kept pulling me down. I really need to pee, but I can't get out of his grip. I decided to wake him up.

I say "Trystan take your arms off me I need to pee" 

He said "I will literally only give you 10 seconds. If you are not back by then, I am going in there and dragging your ass back in this bed" 

Wow, moody much? He released his arms and I ran to his bathroom. I started doing my business and I took me around 5 seconds. As I went to wash my hands I heard him yell 10. Oh shit.

I hide in the bathtub so he couldn't find me.

He yells "November, if you don't come out now, I am not going to let you go back to the sleepover" 

I thought about it for a moment and I went on the move, but before I could reach the door, Trystan ran,  locked his arms around my waist and lift me up. 

This caused me to wince because it still was sore from when my father kicked me in the ribs. Trystan heard my wince and all I thought was shit.

Trystan's P.O.V

I found her trying to reach for the door so I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist and lift her up. Although I heard her wince from when I touched her waist. I grabbed her and laid her on the floor so I could see her waist. I pulled her shirt up and saw a large swollen bruise on her waist. I saw red.  Someone hurt her, how could they?

I said to her "Who the fuck did this to you November" 

She responded "No one did, don't worry I just tripped " 

I knew she was lying because tripping can not cause this big of a bruise. I asked her again and she stayed silent 

She said "Why do you care, all you do is hump and dump girls and I am definitely not going to be one of them so leave me alone"

After she said that, she left to Ariana's room. I felt hurt but I knew she was telling the truth but I don't want to hump and dump her. I want to be in a real relationship with her, I want her. I have to prove myself to her. 

I also need to find out who did that to her so I can kill them for touching her. I need to tell Ariana to convince November to live with us again because I have a feeling I know why she lived with us in the first place.

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