Beach Days

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I've been changing the date for this chapter to come out, I've just gone through a lot that I needed to sort out it's all ok now, thank you for being so patient, I'm typing this on my iPod when I normally do it on my laptop but I couldn't wait so I decided to do it now but the font and all that won't be the same as I don't have it on this device sorry again thank you

This is the beach they go to.

November's P.O.V

The gang slept over last night. It was so fun. I'm so glad that Ariana and Jake made up.

This morning we were all laying on the couch with our partners, when I came up with an idea.

I said "Guys we should all go to the beach today! We can even get this cream off us!" 

They looked at each other and nodded their heads.

Scott shouted "Hell yeah!" 

Everyone laughed at him.

The girls helped me pick out a bathing suit as I needed their opinion. I'm kind of nervous about being in a bikini in front of Trystan.

So far I have been walking out of the closet and showing them the bikini on me, and they'd either do a thumbs up or down.I've been through about 3 and one of them was really loose and didn't look good on me. 

I walked out of the closet again, but this time in a black tight bikini. It hugged my curves in all the right places and was still appropriate to wear. 

I finally felt good about how I looked. I was no longer apprehensive to look in a mirror. It felt really nice.

Ariana and the girls all gave me a thumbs up and they went to hug me. I guess they saw the tear run down my cheek.

Gabi said "We are here for you Nov"

I felt loved by these girls. 

I said "I'm just not used to looking in the mirror and feeling good about myself" 

Ari said "November we are all proud of you bubs"

I laughed at the nickname. I hugged each of the girls and thank them from the bottom of my heart.

I now helped the girls choose their bikinis. We all have our boyfriends downstairs, we want to impress them. All of the girls looked absolutely stunning. The boys are gonna be speechless.

We all walked dramatically downstairs with our arms linked. We all wore a see-through dress that shows our bikinis underneath.

All of the boys heads immediately turn to us. Each one walked over to their girl and had whispered in their ear.

Wow, it was weird that they all did that at the same time.

Trystan whispered in my ear "You look absolutely beautiful love"

I blushed at his comment, someone thought I was beautiful.

We head to the car and start driving to the beach. It's only a 30-minute drive but I couldn't help but feel bored. The guys were starting to get sick of me. Haha, sucks to be them!

They were saying things like "Why does this have to be a 10 seater car?"

"I rather take two cars, Nov you're so annoying" 

"Trystan entertain her or something dude" 

I rolled my eyes at that last comment. 

Trystan just laughed and said "Trust me I would, but I'm driving idiot" 

For the rest of the trip, I curled up against my legs and thought about how far I've come.

I'm proud of myself.

Thank God! We have finally arrived at the beach! I am the first one to jump out of the car. The rest of the girls follow suit and we run off so the boys have to carry food and drinks.

Ariana says to me "Nov! Come for a swim with me and the girls"

I hesitate a little, but I take off my dress.

I suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. 

I know it's Trystan, I still shiver from his touch.

He says "Dang sweetheart, you have a nice body, show it off more. There's no need to be afraid"

I smile at that. He must have seen me hesitate before. I go into the water with the girls and we swim around for 10 minutes.

The boys arrive and dunk us all under the water. Which by the way was very salty.

I removed my head from underwater and see Trystan laughing his ass off because of my face. 

Oh, he is so gonna get it.

The girls and I walk off and back to the shore so that we can think of a way to get back at them. 

I said "We could use what's around us?"

Ari thought and said "Sand! We can use the sand!"

We all have mischievous looks on our face. This is gonna be good. 

We're gonna dunk sand on their hair. They're beloved hair. 

We look towards them and see they're playing some sort of tackling game. 

As we walk over, they quickly stop playing the game and Trystan says "Over it now are we ladies?" 

I say "Yes! We should have looked around us"

He smiles and each boy walks towards their partner and gives them glad smiles. Oh no, you don't.

I shout "Now girls!"

All of the girls dunk sand on their hair.

We were bolting away as soon as we did it. We couldn't run though, we were too bust clutching our stomachs from laughter. 

They all looked like wet dogs. They kept flicking their hard, trying to get the sand out. Although, sadly each of the boys has an angry expression on their faces. 

All the girls bolt away for the water, but they easily catch up to us. Eventually, all the girls were dunked under the water, yet again. 

At this point I couldn't care how many times he dunked me. I was having fun and laughing, that's all that matters.

Thanks for reading :)

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