Forgive and Forget

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I hope you enjoy the chapter and listen to the song above while reading this chapter

November's P.O.V

The doorbell just and I was about to get up from the couch to answer it but Trystan walked in front of me and said "Don't move sweet cheeks"

That made me blush. I still got up once I noticed Ariana wasn't here. I walked to go find where she was and I saw her in the kitchen. It seemed like she was thinking intently about something.

I asked her "You ok Ari? You look very stressed" 

She jumped up from her seat and said "You scared the shit out of me! I'm fine, just stressing about when Jake gets her"

Okay first of all. I told you so. I knew she was stressing. 

I looked at her and said "Well... You see the thing is, he is already here..."

She screamed "What!?, I'm not sure what I'm gonna say!"

I looked at her with a concerned look and said "The truth"

I lean over and hold her hand. I dragged her into the living room. Everyone was here. They were watching a football grand final or something. The girl's just looked very bored. 

I yell "Hi everyone! I missed you!"

I jumped on the couch where everyone was sitting and hugged them.

Trystan laughed at me, while Liam and Cameron gave me fake annoyed looks.

Scott said "Hey, Nov"

I turned to him and said "Yes Scotty?"

He said "You realise that you saw us as a couple of hours ago, right?"

Oh, that's right. It felt like forever.

I replied "And they were the longest hours of my life Scotty!"

Everyone laughed at me. Again. 

Ariana cut the laughing by saying "Jake can I please talk to you alone for a second, please?"

He looked up at her with a confused look and said "Trying to make up for your act isn't going to work"

That really annoyed me. 

I said "Go with her now, you jack ass"

He got up from the couch immediately and mumbled "Bossy bugger"

I laughed.

Ariana's P.O.V

I'm nervous as hell, but I know that it wasn't my fault. Jake and I still are meant to be together. I miss him so much. His cuddles and kisses. It makes me so sad just thinking about it. We aren't like that anymore. 

I really hope that he will understand and just hold me like he use to when I was upset or needed someone. These past couples of days have been rough, but November has been there for me. I don't know what I'd do without her. 

I lead us into the kitchen and sat at the countertop. He sat opposite me, very slowly. It's obvious that he doesn't want to be here with me. It hurt, but the situation was misunderstood. 

 I turned to him and said "There is more to the story then what you saw"

He looked like he was about to say something snappy, but I cut him off.

I said "Don't you dare say I liked it or I started it. I did not. He did not have my consent. I would never ever cheat on you. I was forced. He told me that he would beat me up if I tried anything"

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