Chapter 3- Tuesday

858 17 3

Written by: lime_light

Edited by: lime_light


~Sunset Shimmer's pov continuing~

Its been a few hrs well maybe more rhen a few hrs Dash stayed passed the normal time she promised to get home by, until she looked st the clocked and seen it was passed 10 I offered her ride home but she didnt want a ride back home.

After Rainbow Dash left i couldnt stop thinking about what she told me and i wouldnt tell anyone her secret cause losing a friend can be anyones worst nightmare, at least for me it is not sure about anyone else. But who really knows i could be wrong about it.

~Rainbow dash's Pov~

I walked home from sunset's house ik she offered me a ride but i didnt want to guess it was better then nothing, i kinda started to regret it but it's already to late to turn back and ask. I wasnt going tomorrow anyways so it didn't really matter. But i did make the promise to my dad that i would be home by 10 and it turned out it be alittle later i mean non of us were watching the time.

So really we didnt know what time it was until i looked at the clock, once I got home I think anyone was awake so I went to stairs before i could make it up the first step i heard a question that was from my dad "you know what time it is?" I was alittle frightened but i know i had to answer it.


"You made a promise that you would be home by 10, and once you make a promise in this house you make a promise and stay to it"

"Im sorry i was with Sunset Shimmer and i didnt keep an eye on the clock, im home now dosent that matter?"

I watched him as he got up kinda looked like he was going to hit me, i could tell he was trying not to yell at me for my own mistakes until my step mom walked in the living room from the kitchen and said "you two need to stop this, dash go up to your room"

"Gladly" i went upstairs to my room i wanted to show them how i felt after that so i ended up slamming my door, i walked over to my bed face first into my blanket feeling the tears coming in but that didn't stop me from letting thought come and go as they wanted. I wanted to message a few of my friends but I know that they were probably asleep already, even my other friend I knew for awhile since I was little I mean I knew Applejack when we were little also but this was a friend I hardly get to see often.

Falling asleep little by little knowing that nights don't last for long at least for me it doesn't kinda wish it did though, Tuesday morning came i woke up later then I normally would like for tomorrow........I wasn't going today cause I have others that needs to be done like a few little things I know of like watching my little twin cousins Red rose and Scarlett rose. And other stuff I won't mention I got up did my daily routines like feed tank, get a shower and get dressed before I head downstairs it doesn't really change but I kept it that way when I was 5 and started school.

I went back up to my room to get a few things before we left mainly the "important stuff" cause I wasn't going to leave without taking a few females things when their on their period, it sucks but it has to be done every once in a while I don't like it as much as anyone else does. I eventually got outside and got in the car belfry we did anything else we picked up the twins first in the back seat with me with Scarlett in the middle next to where I was sitting then Red rose by the other window, Scarlett was born A few hours later then Red rose was being on 6pounds while the other was 8 pounds who knows how that happened but Scarlett had to sit in the middle.

With both being only 4 they still got annoying but o kept my mind off it while pinkie and the others were talking to me or asking where I am or y I didn't show up and my phone was vibrating non stop, between Pinkie,Rarity,Fluttershy,Sunset,and Aj but it kept me busy for abit until their classes started then it was nothing but silence. I just kept staring out the window while the two did whatever 4 yr olds do but that didn't last long Scarlett was soon whining about how thirsty she was I was took my water bottle out of the seat pocket were I kept most things every time I sat in the back and I opened it and gave it her then Rose took it from her and got her drink, I got it back from her, closed it and put it back in the seat pocket.

Hrs later after we finish doing things that we had to do before the darkened clouds came as the wind wind picked up getting more heavier, as soon as we left my grandmothers house to pick up a few things it started to rain but I thought that I wouldn't hear this from a 4yr old as Scarlett asked me "do you thought I can stay?..."

"It's not really up to me u would ask ur own parents that not me"

"But I want to stay"

" I know but it's still your parents choice and if u want to stay then your sister wants to stay, it's not a choice if you want her to or not"

I started to not listen to her anymore cause a conversation with a 4 yr old gets no where until we got back to their house Scarlett ran into the house asking if she could stay, after their mom said yes I was dragged to their room both on different sides of me once they did I started to think "this is going to be along night....." I helped both get their clothes they needed after that I went outside even though it was still raining waiting to leave. And we did leave after they got what they wanted one after other just climbed over me when the other door was open, why did they I don't know ether once we got home they followed my dad in the kitchen getting ready to make dinner while I managed to sneak up the stairs into my room.

"Guess their sleeping in my room.." Scarlett is the one that cling to me instead of someone else Rose just wants to be with someone at times ether way there was no way to get away from Scarlett just wanted to be with me everywhere I went but school, a few minutes later I heard my door open noticing it was only Scarlett the "clingy" one she walked over to my bed I didn't notice cause i was into the conversation the 6 of us were having.


I looked over at her who was holding on to my blanket on my bed "what do u need Scarlett?"

"It's almost time"

"Time for what exactly"



"So come on"

"Why now?"

"Because i want to show you something"


We both walked downstairs and she showed me what she wanted me to see, after that we ate dinner and i got them ready for bed around 8:30 as well as myself, and layed them down in my bed around 9 they fell asleep qnd like normal i stayed up until 10:30 or 11 until i fell asleep myself.

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