They're Called Hashups And They Really Are Amazing

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Approximately how many times a day does Will get hit on/asked out?
How good has Livvy gotten at surfing?
Has Will ever sung 'American Trash' by Innerpartysystem?
If not, he has to. It's a great song.
Am I annoying/weird?
When was the last time you ate a potato?

Probably fifteen when I'm around. I don't know about when I'm not around. It's really annoying. Especially since Camp is like one of those small towns (like the one in Gilmore Girls) where everyone knows everyone and you can't get away with anything. Literally, at our busiest time of year, we run about 562 campers. At the slowest, we run about 86.

Everyone knows everyone.

Meaning everyone knows Will and I are together. Meaning they know that they are trespassing on private property.

It's not that hard to grasp; we're together, we have a kid, my father is paying for his medical schooling, we're engaged. I think that's about as together as we can get at our age.

Back up and step off.

Thank you.

Livvy is still on the beginning stages of learning how. I honestly don't know how far she's gotten as I refused to be near the water until recently. Last I knew, she was just starting to stand, but she might be a lot further than that now.

Yes and it sounds absolutely beautiful with his voice.

No, Em, you are not annoying. Weird, yes. But who cares?? People who aren't weird, aren't fun. Embrace your weirdness while it lasts; it makes you unique.

And honestly it's one of the only reasons I kept talking to you after that first conversation.

I ate potatoes today at work :)

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