Avengers x Child!Agent!Reader

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~Isabel's Pov~

I made it back to headquarters as the guards were holding a screaming metal box chained up. I waltzed my way over and glared down at them. They trembled under my bling glare. "A-Agent Spiked" They shook. "Is this the run away?" I asked firmly as I felt her blood pressure raising and her heart beat increase. I felt them nod. I picked up the box and carried it in. I sensed the familiar blood of Director Pierce and his familiar motion of smirking at me and opened up a special designed room. I threw the container in and the box opened to feel the six year old hit the glass walls. "Well done Spiked, you truly are Hydra's best agent."  He grabbed your chin and made you face him. "Mission report" He stated bluntly. "Avengers neutralized, target captured. Mission accomplished, sir" I said with a dull face. "Lovely, now you continue where you left off with the kid and I" He let go of my chin. "I will be back soon". He said as he signaled the guards to follow him.

~Bucky's Pov~

I watched as Isabel hopped away with Tony's child. Me and Steve just stood there in awe. "BARNES! ROGERS! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!" Tony yelled. Almost all of his suit was destroyed and he collapsed on the roof. "YOU JUST LET THEM GET AWAY WITH MY KID" He yelled walking over to us leaving a trail of blood. A medical team was already tending to Thor and Bruce was checking up on Natasha. Doctors tried to get Tony to come with them but he smacked them away. "S-sorry it w-was a" Steve stuttered but was punched in the chest by Tony. "BULL SHIT ROGERS!" I grabbed Tony and he bashed against my grip. "We can't fight her Tony! She is literally untouchable!" I yelled. "Bu-bullshit!" Tony screamed. I felt tears hit my non metal arm. He pulled hard and I released him. "I'm going to find her" He muttered marching away. I looked at Steve and he looked so lifeless. "I thought she died, we both saw her get hit by the train" He shrugged. Isabel was younger than Steve by like 2 years or so. The trio went to war but Isabel fell off the train and got hit by it instead of falling off like Bucky. "She's  stubborn one to, it's gonna be a shit load more to turn her good. Harder than me!" I exclaimed as me and Steve walked over to Natasha and Clint. Natasha's leg was wrapped with white bandages that already had blood seeping through. Clint was rubbing her back. "Hey guys, Nat how you doing?" Steve asked. "Oh, well I just got stabbed in the knee, pretty sure its broken but other than that i'm doing peachy!" She yelled sarcastically as Clint chuckled and picked her up. I walked over to Thor who was with his brother. "Hey there big guy how you doing?" I asked. "I am fairing just well! I have quite the disappointment in myself to see that I have been so defenseless to a mortal" He chuckled and Loki groaned.

~Time Skip~

~Tony's Pov~

I frantically searched through S.H.I.E.L.D.S files about Hydra. I got research on Isabel, she was somewhat blind but very powerful. I successfully hacked into Hydra after about a dozen tries and I saw (Name). She was currently attacking a figure in the middle of the room but (Name) was being flown to the wall and (Name) jumping right back up to fight. I punched the screen and got the coordinates and stormed off. I was greeted by Steve and Bucky at the entrance of my lab. "What the hell do you bitches want?" I groaned as I walked past them. "We want to come with you, we have, we have unfinished business with the other person" Bucky muttered. I turned to them. "Alright Barnes, Rogers! You can come but if you fuck up i'm throwing you under the bus to get killed by Isabel!" I yelled. I walked into the bar and grabbed to bracelets and put them around my wrists. "Jarvis! Tell the others we'll be back soon!" I yelled as we walked out to the roof. I summoned a helicopter and all of us hopped in as I plugged in the coordinates and auto pilot took off.

~Your Pov~

I groaned as the girl stood in the middle of the room just shifting her weight as I tried to tackle her. I ran at her but she caught me. "Put-put me down now you bitch!" I yelled. She laughed as she slammed me onto the ground and mounted her foot on my chest. "You know you can't beat me (Name)" She said smugly. "Ho-how do you know mah name?!" I yelled. She pulled down her mask and looked at me. I gasped as I stared at her brown faded eyes and remembered her. "Isabel! Stop please!" I begged. "Lovely seeing you remember me, (Name)" She kicked my head. "Tell me kiddie, tell me what you know-" She picked me up by my hood and brought me to face level. "Tell me what you know about the Avengers" She said bluntly. I grabbed her neck and choked her. She picked me up again by my hoodie and she slammed me into the wall several times. My skin wouldn't show the pain but my head was whoozy and I felt dizzy. "Dearest sister, I thought you knew be-" There was an explosion and Isabel was knocked out do to a shield. "(Name)!" Tony yelled. "D-d-daddy?" You croaked. Tony picked you up in his Iron Man suit and held you close. Bucky picked up Isabel and Steve cleared the security.

~Time Skip 'Cause I'm a lazy cunt..... to much language? meh, naw. Kthxbye"

~Your Pov~

You winced as Brucie (Tony's nickname not yours) treated your head. After he was done he lead you to where the team was. Standing in front of an interrogation room with Isabel in the middle with Steve and Bucky talking to her. She was under heavy restraints was deemed helpless. You looked up and saw a tv broadcasting what they were saying. "Isabel, your name is Isabel Striker. You helped me and Buck win world war 2! You dated Bucky! Remember?!" She looked up and smirked. "Who the hell is Bucky? And who the fuck is Isabel? My name is Agent Spiked" She said staring into space. Steve ran his hand through his hair and turned to Bucky. "I'll be back" He walked out of the room as Bucky just stared at Isabel.

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