'Tinker Bell' AvengersxFairy!Reader

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Request: GlitterHeart23
Reader is a fairy that controls night and day

Third Person POV~

"AVENGERS!" Fury yelled as he slammed a suit case on the table. "FURY!" Tony mocked. Steve glared at him and Tony stuck his tongue out. Fury opened the suitcase and a hologram of a girl with intimidating armor was shown. "This is (Name) (Lastname). She would be here today but she isn't here for some reason. The hologram faded into another picture. "She is the fairy of-" Fury was cut off by Clint. "So your throwing in a Tinker Bell into this team?" He said with a smug face. Tony held back a laugh as Natasha kicked Clint. Fury moved back to the picture of the girl in armor and slid it across the table to Clint. "Tell me again, is this Tinker Bell?" The team gathered around the hologram. You had golden armor that shows off your curves and a scythe. Thor pushed back the brief case. "That armor is no match to my own!" He boomed standing up. "Oh ya?!" A mumbled voice yelled from behind the door. Suddenly it got kicked down.

Your Pov~

You kicked down the door and walked forward. You twirled your scythe and smashed one end down like a bad ass. You flipped off your face plate and leaned on your scythe. "Not only is my helmet the crown of Hesphateus, my chest plate is the one and only Dragonscale chest and the Deadsrics bottoms. Everyone was still shocked but Fury scoffed. "Your late" He said unamused. "Sorry, I was on Jupiter. Someone has to set the moon there" You said letting your wings free. Your wings were beautiful, it was battle scarred, yes. But it was amazing. It glistened in the sunlight creating a rainbow. "Ok, introduce yourself (Name)" Fury said shutting the case. "I have a broken door to take care of" He said marching out. They looked at you and you glanced around, avoiding eye contact. "What do you want to know?" You said using your powers to remove your armor and replace it with sweatpants and a Batman t-shirt. The shirt ripped letting your wings free. "May I-" Dr. Banner asked. You shrugged and nodded as you stood up and spread your wings. He held your wings and ran his fingers over your scars. You cringed when he ran over a specific scar, a combination of a burn and a scar. "Woah! Lemme see!" Tony yelled sliding over the table and grasping her wings a little to hard. As a reflex your armor activated and covered your wings. The armor cut Tony's finger and he jerked it back. "Ow!" He squeaked shaking his hand. "Well, you got yourself into that" You said phasing back to your t-shirt and sweatpants. "Huh, I like her already" Natasha said crossing her arms. "So-" You said turning around. "What do you want to know?"
~Time Skip~
After hours on hours of easily getting along with the team, except Clint and Thor. "You still think your better than me?! Odison?!" You yelled slamming your fists on the table. "Indeed I am!" Thor yelled repeating your actions. You summoned your scythe and twirled it around. He did the same with his hammer and placed it on the table. "Hey, (Name)" Clint said. You groaned and swung your scythe in front of his face. "What" You muttered. ""It's almost.. um... night time"  He said. You checked the clock and panicked. "Shit" You exclaimed as you ran to the window. You looked out and saw the sun hasn't moved. "UGH" You kicked out the extensions on the scythe. "Put your money where your mouth is and prove your better than me" You said signaling Thor to come with you. He walked over to you and you put his hands the body of the scythe. "So just bring the darker end up" You let go and sat on Steve's lap. He blushed as he cautiously rested his hands on your waist. Everyone started laughing at Thor's struggle as he couldn't move it. He suddenly dropped it and held his hand. "Why is it so hot?!" He asked. "The brighter end were the extension has a little flame has the heat of the whole sun" You said pointing to the higher end. "The darker end where black wisps spark out has the coldness of the moon. Both ends have the weight of both the sun and moon" You walked over to him and grabbed the scythe from him and rotated the darker end up, rising the moon. "And you called me a tinker bell" You scoffed. "Well I'm sorry! When we here a fairy, we don't think of a guardian. We think of a tiny girl!" Clint said flinging his arm. "Hey, (Name)? Can- can we run some tests on your scythe?" Bruce asked. You shrugged and kicked up the extension. "Sure" You said tossing it to him. "Wait wait wait, NO!" Bruce exclaimed as he attempted to catch it but fell to the ground when he tried to catch it. "Shit, sorry" You said holding up your hand and summoning your scythe back to your hand. "Maybe next time" You shrugged.

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