'Help" Avengers x Reader

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Just thought of it~ Reader is Asgardian and has the Kill La Kill scissor blade but the Mjolnir rules apply to it. (Loki is an Avenger)  Scissor/Sword/Blade is the same thing.

Readers POV~Flashback
"Odin no!" Frigga yelled as Odin was about to cast you into the moon. You were a demigod much like Thor and Loki but much more powerful. You were the daughter of a forced marriage between Hippolyta, the Amazon warrior goddess, and Erebus, the god of darkness. Your mother sacrificed herself to make sure your father never took over the universe by banishing them both into your scissor blade, so without a family, Thor took you into his family. Frigga was especially attached to you but Odin despised you because of your father. You inherited your mothers power/strength and beauty while you inherited your fathers evil will and shape shifting. You couldn't control yourself so at times you would use your scissor blade and go on rampages, but Thor helped you through it. Loki understood you and helped you mentally. "I cast you off!" Odin banished you into the moon until 200 years have passed. You watched as you started to fade away. Thor and Loki looked you in the eye and did nothing. Throwing your scissor at Loki which caught him in the shoulder. Just like how only Thor can pick up Mjolnjr, only you can pick up your scissor blade. Given that it grants you much power, it comes with being possessed with your mother and evil father. The blade disappeared just as you did.
Flashback over
"200 hundred years have passed and these cuffs shall break!" You growled. Your fathers side taking over as you broke free. You opened your eyes and saw dust trailing everywhere and people screaming. "(Name?!)" Odin yelled. You stood up and you realized you were in Orin's presence. You pulled out your scissor blade and held it against Odins neck. "I won't kill you yet, Odin" You snarled maniacally. "Where is Thor and Loki" Odin gasped as he held the blade. "On Midgard" He sputtered. You smiled and black smoke took over your body as you transformed into a black Phoenix and flew to Heimdell. You had armor like Lady Sif but with a black, purple laced hood that covered your eyes and showed your killer smile. You landed in front of Heimdell and held your blade to his neck. "Take me to Thor and Loki" He obliged and you found your self falling. You did the "super hero landing that's rough on the knees" (Deadpool reference) and landed in the middle of a well furnished, well, was a well furnished room and several people on the ground. "(Name?!)" Thor and Loki asked shocked as they stood up. You turned around with a blood curdling smile and rushed towards them with your scissor blade. "You did nothing!" You screeched as you swung your sword. Loki ducked as Thor summoned his hammer and blocked. "(Name), please! Let us explain!" Thor yelled as he struggled to keep up with your strength. "Who the fuck is this BITCH?!" Tony yelled under a couch. "You fool!" Loki snapped. "She is precious to me and my brother! You shall treat her with respect!" He shot a green wisp to ruin his hair. Loki ran up to you and cast a spell on you to paralyze you."I've been imprisoned for centuries dearest-" Black smoke overcame you and you became free. You swung your scissor blade creating a gash in Loki's side. A roar emerged and you were flying out of the building. A green monster with a red head on his shoulder charged at you and you teleported back to where you were before. Suddenly a red and gold robot flew up and started shooting at you. You span around and sliced the bullets. A shield came flying to your face and you used your scissor blade to knock it into the wall. The monster came back and grabbed you and started smashing you while the red head started shooting at you. Dr. Banner no!" Thor used Mjolnir to hit Hulk away. "Lady Natasha! " Loki yelled. "Thor! What the fuck are you doing!" Clint yelled as he shot arrows at your body on the ground. Loki used his magic to stop the arrows as you stood up. You felt as if the darkness in you was shrinking. You hood changed to purple with black lacing as you  fell to your knees, your scissor blade started to shrink into a small half scissor. Thor and Loki rushed to your aid and cradled you."Lullaby Nat" Steve said getting closer to you. "(Name?)" Thor said rubbing your arm. You opened your eyes and were face to face with Thor and Loki. You grasped your scissors, which started growing to make the scissor blade, as black smoke overcame you and you stabbed Thor in the stomach. He coughed out blood that splattered on your face as Loki rushed to his brother. You flipped and landed on your knees and swung your blade carelessly around cutting deeply into the legs of everyone around. All that was left was the man in the suit. "How can you-" He shot a blue beam at you, you used your scissor to hit it back but he shot another one causing the scissor to hit you in the face. "Take out-" He knocked you on the ground. "A team-" Another one. "LIKE US?!" He was about to kill you but a voice distracted him. "Tony!" A man with mechanical wings, a blue and red... thing, another man in a suit, and a girl with long brown hair and red glowing hands came flying through the hole in the wall. "Fury said you needed backup!" The girl said. Her accent was thick. You ran and jumped off a wall. You made the scissor extend and you hit it across the floor. The floor rippled to the people knocking both suits out and ripping one of the mechanical wings. The blue and red thing phased through and the girl was using her powers to try and stop the ripples. You looked more closely at the blue and red thing. "The souls stone!" You muttered. It started to fly near you. "Please, we wish not to fi-" The red and blue thing said before you cut him in half, cutting him into tiny pieces. You caught the pieces of its forehead and ripped the soul stone out of its head. You took a deep breath and looked around. Screaming, explosions, fire crackling. You smiled contently as your head started to pound. "No-" Your voice rumbled. "Stop!" Your voice made the ground rumble and black smoke formed and you disappeared.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~
You found yourself in the woods. "AUGH!" You threw your scissor at a tree cutting deeply. "Erebus- you need.. UGH to stop" You whispered. "I can conquer this place, Hippolyta! You will thank me you worthless slut!" Your voice roared. You closed your eyes and opened them to feel your father gone. You were now wearing a purple hood that dragged along the ground. You saw a house beyond a few trees and decided on going there. You stood up and yanked the blade out of the tree and shrank your scissors and tucked it into your hair. You realized you had severe bruises and were bleeding, everywhere. You rounded a tree and saw a few shirts and shorts hanging from a wire. You grabbed a shirt and shorts and changed clothes. You made the hood vanish as you jogged to the steps of the house. "Mother help me please" You muttered before walking to the door and knocking. "Oh, hell- Oh my God! Please, come in!" A woman pulled you in and sat you on a chair. She grabbed a little kit and opened it and got near your bruises. "Cooper! Get the needle and thread!" The woman yelled. She started cleaning your wounds and the boy came back. "This may hurt a bit" She said softly as she started to thread your bruises. She seemed a little shock as you didn't wince. "What happened?!" She asked. "Oh, um...my boyfriend is abusive" You said simply. Your mother was in control now. She finished cleaning up your bruises and stood up. "I'm extremely sorry f-" She put a finger to your mouth. "It's ok, I'm glad you came" You smiled. She was like Frigga. "Especially since you weren't in the city" She turned on the tv and you saw the aftermath of your work. "Where are my manners, I'm Laura" She stool her hand out and you shook. "(Name)" You smiled. "Do you need anything?" She asked worriedly. "Water would be nice" She nodded and walked away. You saw 2 kids in the doorway. You smiled at them and they smiled and quickly looked away. "So, (Name)-" Laura sat down next to you handing you some water. "What happened?" She asked curiously. The boy and girl sat next to Laura. "And how come you don't fwinch when mama gave you a needle!" The little girl said demandingly from behind Laura. 
~Thor's POV~
"THOR! LOKI!" (Name) yelled as she stuck her hand out. "Where am I?!" I yelled as I was now at Barton's farm. The sound of beeping and the faint coldness in my stomach woke me up. "(NAME)" I shot up. Loki was healing my stomach and he pushed me down. I looked around and saw my fellow team members on beds with men and women surrounding them. "Where is she?!" I roared. "She got away" Loki said softly. "Where are we?" I asked rubbing my face. "Hellicarrier" Steve moaned as he turned away on his bed. Loki helped me up and we looked around. Tony was pacing around Rhodey as doctors and nurses tried to make him lie down. "Brother Tony!" I boomed. "You!" Tony marched up to me. "You idiot! We could have contained her if you didn't try to protect her!" He swung a fist at me but I caught it. "I know where we need to go" I said walking past him. "Oh hell no" Tony grabbed my hand. "You are gonna stay here and- what the FUCK Loki?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE DID TO US?! WE WERE AT HER MERCY! SHE KILLED VISION! SHE FUCKING KILLED VISION! SHE CUT HIM IN HALF AND TOOK THE SOUL STONE, THOR! THE SOUL STONE!" Tony was ballistic as Loki held him. The whole team was now drowsily paying attention. "Let him go, Stark" Natasha said from the bed. Loki let Tony go and started to walk with me. We walked up to the roof of the tower. I swung Mjonir and we went flying. We soon landed at a farm. Mrs. Barton was on the porch with a book watching her kids play with another woman. "(NAME!)" I roared. The woman looked at us as she signaled the kids into the house. Laura was signaled in the house but hesitantly went inside. (Name) started walking away and I walked after her. She walked faster eventually turning into a full on sprint as I started chasing her. Loki teleported in front of her and caught her. Loki sunk down with (Name) in his arms. I followed with them and hugged her as well. "I'm so sorry, (Name)" I wept. "We both are, mother was mourning." Loki whispered. She cried into my upper arm and Lokis shoulder. "I'm sorry, I- I- I'm so sorry" She cried even harder. "I'm stupid and so foolish! Your father was right for banishing me!" She wept. "(Name), never say that. You are amazing" Loki cried holding her face. "Come along now, let us return to Asgard" I whispered as we picked her up. She waved to the window and gave a smile as we flew away.
~Tony's Pov~
"That bitch-ow fuck!" I snarled as they started stitching me up. "She thinks she can just come in and almost kill us- SHIT! Stitch it a little harder why don't you?!" I yelled at the nurse. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Tony, calm down" Steve said taking a seat next to me. "Fuck" I muttered as the needle sewed in. "Thor and Loki said they would take care of her, she's an asgardian after all" He said trying to lift my spirits. "She almost killed both of them, she killed VISION!" I yelled. "OW, WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled as the needle ripped my skin. "Me. Stark you have to stay still, please!" The nurse begged. I tore my arm away from the nurse. "Fuck it" I grabbed a towel and wrapped it tightly on my arm. Steve stood up and walked with me. "Ultron wasn't even this strong" I muttered. "Get some rest Tony" Steve said patting me on the back.

Part 2 Coming Soon

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