'Rawr' Suicide Squad x Reader

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Ok Ok ok okok okoko, I know this is a Marvel book but I am the biggest fucking DC fan in the world. Don't get me wrong Marvel's gr8 but Suicide Squad is gr8 toooo ans Suicide Squad is my God damn favorite movie in the world soooooo I couldn't resist.~Reader's super powers is kinda hard to describe so read to find out. Anyways, I can't right so this is a story where your character would make the most impact so it won't make sense.... or it will idk

Your Pov~

Bell Reve. Bell Reve, the place they sent you because they were scared of you. You did nothing to them, in fact they did everything to you. You were framed for a murder but the court claimed you innocent but that still didn't stop the people from openly dissing you. You walked down the street while people threw anything they had in there hands at you. They cussed you out and the children spat at you. You were used to it until some guy decided to physically fight you. He pushed you down and kicked your ribs. You felt the faint snap of insanity in you as he kicked you. People cheered him on and that just fed your insanity. You finally had enough when you felt blood seep out. You head snapped up and you smiled a smile a few would call the "Cheshire cat smile". Purple and black mist emitted from you and surrounded the ankles of the people. The mist engulfed the man who was kicking you and bone arms emerged from the mist. You floated up and held your arm on your side and giggled. The bone arms that came from the mist grabbed the ankles and the man and started piercing there skin. You laughed even harder and the mist turned into a scarlet flame, not just any flame a flame that wont kill them but they could feel the burning. People screamed in agony and the police surrounded you. Cop cars on the street around you, trucks, helicopters, tanks, anything you could imagine was in the air or on the ground armed with guns. "(Name) (Lastname), release them immediately!" The voice yelled. You snapped back to reality and released them. They all ran away and a rope ladder lowered down. You put your hands behind your head and got on your knees. The S.W.A.T team approached you and cuffed you up and brought you up the helicopter. "Your goin' some place special for fucking monsters like you" The man said tightening your cuffs. You winced in pain and sighed.

~Time Skip~ (A few years)

Your best friend in the prison was El Diablo, he had the exact same problem. You both couldn't control your powers, and had somewhat control of fire, well he WAS fire. You were placed in a similar container as El Diablo right next to his and you would talk for hours on end. Suddenly one day, a woman comes up to your container. She puts a tablet on your screen and it shows the day before you were drafted to this horrible place. "That's not me" You said. She looked at you sternly. "THATS NOT YOU?!" The woman yelled. "Ey! That's not her! leave her alone!" El Diablo's accent thick. She sighed heavily and walked away. "Thanks, Diablo" You said gratefully. "Anytime" He said.

~Time Skip~ Cause I can't write

Suddenly your container opened and so did Diablo's. The water pushed you into chairs and they chained you up. "(Name?!)" Diablo yelled. They rolled you both to a place where you heard a feminine scream. They rolled you up first and you saw the familiar "flavors" they gave you when you first came here. You screamed and so did Diablo. Diablo knew how that felt, suddenly they shot something into your neck making you scream out louder. The towed you somewhere outside next to a few of the other prisoners. Killer Croc, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and Slipknot. Diablo soon followed you and they released you. Diablo rushed over to you and grabbed your hands. "Are you ok?!" He asked frantically. You nodded. "Look e' here, mate! Little fire man got himself a girlfriend!" Boomerang yelled. You glared at him and twitched your eye sending a purple wisp to slap him in the face. Suddenly the same woman and the famous kernel "Flag" walk up near you guys. The gave a "horrible pep talk" according to Deadshot and they gave you your old clothes to get ready for "war". You walked over to your chest and smiled happily at the familiar clothing and weapons. "Hey, puddin'!" Harley said as she put an arm around you. You knew about her but you never talked to her. "You know me, I'm Harley! And you are?" She asked. "(Name)" You said smiling again. "That's a nice name sugah, anyways.... it's been a while since I talked to a girl so~ Let's get along! Ya? K~" She said as she strut away. Simultaneously, you and Harley started changing. You put on your black camo pants, it was a little baggy due to the weight loss from not being fed and put on your black Syndicate sweater over your bra. (CHECK OUT SYNDICATE ON YOUTUBE AND CHECK THE STORE I FREAKING LOVE HIM) You put your chains on your pants and grabbed your switch, twirling it around and slipping it into your pockets. Finally you put on your red hightops and laced them up. You looked around and everyone was staring at you. The boys were blushing and even some girls. "What?" Harley asked making you giggle. You put your hair into a ponytail and looked over to Diablo. You smiled at him and he smiled back.

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