'Mental' Avengers x Reader

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Your pov~ Reader is like... like a female version of El Diablo. Lessen the tattoos and shit and depressed thoughts..... And some Outsider references

Six years ago you were taken away from the Avengers and drafted into the army. Today was the day you you got back and your "family" would welcome you back. By family, you meant the Avengers. Your plane was up in the air and all the soldiers were celebrating and trying to cheer you up. "Come on (Name!) We get to go home! Away from the cursed battle field!" Darry cheered. You glared at him and shook your head as he pulled you up. "What's wrong princess, the scary people gettin' to you?" Steve joked. "I watched as Johnny and D-D-" You started getting teary eyed. Dallas was your love, he committed suicide after Johnny died. "Hey hey hey, only happy thoughts!" Keith said rubbing your back handing you a shot glass. "Define happiness" You said with a straight face. "Aw, c'mon (Name!) You never smi-" Pony started but was cut off by the sarge. "At ease soldiers, welcome home" He said as the plane landed. He opened the door and a yelling started. We bolted out of the door and the gang ran to there families. You looked around and saw a very, VERY large sign with your name glowing. You parted through the crowd and saw the Avengers standing there. "(NAME!!)" They all yelled and they all came and gave you a bone crushing hug. A variety of "Aww's" Were heard and you stood still until they got off of you. "(Name) we missed you so much!" Natasha said teary eyed. In fact, everyone was teary eyed. You stared at them with a blank face until Steve pulled you into a hug. He traced your tattoo's. "Let's go home" He said as he lead you away.

~Time skip~ A few days
On Avengers Group Chat

Hey guys? -TS
What? -NR
hm? -BB
what -JBB
Yes? -SR
wut -CB
What's wrong with (Name?) I mean..... a soldier would be happy to come home? right? -TS
They would -SR
Yes -JBB
Then why isn't (Name?) -TS
I was wondering the same thing -NR
I would assume she's still adjusting from the army -BB
But you would need people interaction to help forget, she's just straight up ignoring Thor's pleads to talk -SR
The army hits you hard. Mentally and physically. I wouldn't expect her to be happy any time soon. -JBB
Here, I got a guys number who was her ally  in the army. Maybe he'll tell us whats wrong -CB
Add him -BB
^^ -TS
                                            Darry Curtis had been added to the group chat
Um, hi -DC
Hey, now care to elaborate what's wrong with our (Name?) -NR
Please -SR
Right, so I guess during an invasion Johnny got burned in a fire real bad along with Dallas. Johnny died shortly after and Dallas committed suicide after. So after that she just.... stopped, if you know what I mean -DC
I mean, the first time I met her she was really playful and happy -DC
We know -NR
Indeed -BB
Who's Dallas and Johnny? -CBDallas was her boyfriend and Johnny was her best friend -DC
But, your supposed to adjust to death after one dies in the army -JBB
After that, every single person she ever talked to died eventually. She even killed some people by accident with her powers. But still it eventually lead to the the win of our country -DC

                                            Darry Curtis has left the group chat
                                            !#$%6^ Has been added to the group chat

Stop, there's no way to undo what I've done -!#$%6^
(Name) why di-
                                            !#$%6^ Has closed the group chat

Your pov~

You hacked into the group chat and closed it. You slammed your laptop screen and played with the fire in your hand. You made a small man punching appear in a flame in your hand which was quickly put out by your tears. "fuck" you hissed as the tear made contact. Suddenly there was a bang on your door. You made your tears evaporate as you stared at the door. The banging became more frequent and eventually the door slammed open. "Oh (Name)" Steve said as he rushed towards you followed by everyone else. "You know (Name), what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" Bucky said bluntly trying to comfort you. You stood up and your body was engulfed in flames. "YOU KNOW WHAT BUCKY?! WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU WILL MAKE YOU STRONGER SURE! BUT IT WILL ALSO LEAVE YOU MENTALLY FUCKED FOR LIFE! DAMNIT MOTHER FUCKING BARNES" You screeched as the flames grew larger. "JARVIS SPRINKLERS PLEASE!" Tony screeched as he pat out his hair. Suddenly the sprinklers turned on and you hissed in pain. The pain kept hitting down on you until you passed out. You woke up tied to a chair but you swiftly burned it up. "I'm fucked up" You groaned as you rubbed your wrists. You burned down the wall and saw Dallas sitting in the corner. You rubbed your eyes thinking it was fake. "D-D-Dallas?!" You said as you got teary eyed. "(Name?!)" His deep voice asked shakily. You ran towards his open arms and he hugged you close. He lifted your chin and kissed you passionately. "I thought you died" You cried. "You needed the push" He wept and kissed you. "I love you Winston" You said through your tears. "I love you to, (Last Name)" He said as  he held you closer. Little did you know the Avengers watched you through the camera in the corner of your room. "Bet they're gonna have hard and long sex later" Tony accidentally said through the com.

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