How You Met (DeanxReader)

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Readers POV

"...simple kind of man" I belted out the chorus of my current favorite classic rock song as I realized that my gas tank was almost empty "Be some one you love and understand" I sang a little quieter as I pulled into the first gas station I saw. I sifted through my purse, making sure that I had enough cash to fill my tank. After I pulled a twenty out of my bag, I noticed a car very similar to my prized 1969 Chevy impala pull up to the gas pump across from where I was. I got out of my beloved car, forgetting to turn it off or at least pause my favorite cassette tape,  to take a closer look at the beautiful one on the other side of the pump. I heard a door open and close, not realizing that the driver had stepped out of his car. 

"She's a '67" a deep voice startled me slightly as I whipped around to see a man arguably more sexy than his car.

"Yeah, t-that's what I thought." I stated stuttering as I noticed his bright apple green eyes. He look a quick glace over to the side of the gas pump where my car was parked, still playing Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd. 

"That '69 yours?" I nodded proudly and blushed while doing so. "Damn, well she's almost as beautiful as her driver." he flirted. I could feel my face burning, so I looked down.

"Heh. Thanks." was all I could say as we both stood there awkwardly. I looked up to see him staring at me. "Well I have to.." my voice trailed off as I waved your twenty dollar bill in the air. Still standing, waiting to hear his sexy, deep voice again.

"Yeah of course" he said, gesturing to the pump beside him.

I walked backed over to my car and shut off the music, not wanting the battery to die, before I quickly pumped the gas into my car. Every couple seconds you I peaked over to where I saw that handsome man earlier even seeing him returning the glance at times. I walked into the gas station. As soon as I felt eyes on my back I started swaying my hips as I walked. I quickly paid for the eighteen dollars and fifty-seven cents worth of gas and told the cashier to keep the change then hurried out the door, trying to hurry so that I could see him again. The man and his car were gone. He must have paid with his credit card (or he took off with out paying because he's broke and/or some kind of criminal). I kind of yelled at that second voice in my head because I don't want it to be true as I walked back to my car when I got there I realized that there was a piece of paper under my windshield wiper and removed it. 

"Hey, I never caught your name and I was wondering if you would want to go for a drink sometime. I would like a chance to get to know you. I already know you have good taste in music and cars. -Dean "

How am I supposed to- My thoughts were cut off when I noticed an arrow pointing to the  corner. I flipped the paper over seeing that there was a phone number on the back. 

"Call me"


Authors note: I know this one was really short but it is my first imagine so cut me some slack. M'kay? :)

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