How You Met (GabrielxReader)

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A.N: So Gabe is one of my most favorite characters. not because I'm in love with him but he's just funny and everything about him is pure awesomeness. I guess I don't know what I am talking about. I am really tired.


Reader's POV

I've been hunting with the Winchester brothers for more than two years now. I met Castiel last year. And right now even though I saw Cas' wings when he first showed up and the lightning flashed and it was all dramatic and shit, I didn't know what I was seeing now, this was different.

Neither Sam nor Dean knew I was just around the corner as they were talking to this guy that they were calling Gabriel. Then Cas showed up. Right behind me. 

"I thought you went to sleep." Cas startled me. And yes, I did scream. And yes, this brought of the boys' and their visitor's attention to me. 

Sam looked even more startled than me. Dean kinda looked pissed, protective, but pissed. I started slowly walking towards the three men, Castiel following close behind me. The man across from the boys, the one that they had called Gabriel, gave me a somewhat familiar smirk. I think he knows what I can see.

"Shit. (Y/N)." Dean almost whispered.

"Hey guys," I said trying to act normal but some how,(I don't know how) they could see through my horrible acting skills. "Who's the angel?" The brothers looked shocked. Why are they shocked? Did they not know. It was kind of obvious. I turned to the other man beside me. He just smirked knowingly. "Can't you see them?" I asked, pointing to Gabriel. They just gaped wide eyed.

"See what (Y/N)?" 

"How the hell did you know?"

The Winchesters asked me at the same time.(I think that you can tell which said what.) I have no idea why they are questioning me. It's a little obvious. There was a huge ass pair of golden wings on his back. How could they not tell? 

"(Y/N)" the man started moving toward me."Just stand still. Okay?" I nodded, I completely trusted him, I didn't know him. but I knew I would be safe around him. "Heh. we're the same height." was all I could think right now. Wait, why is he putting his hand on my face.

 Suddenly I was alone in a room. This room is real damn familiar. Giggling? Why do I hear giggling? I turned and saw a crib. a familiar man standing near reaching in. It's Gabriel. He just picked up a baby. Well, toddler. I'm guessing almost two. SHIT! I KNOW WHERE I AM NOW! This is a fucking memory. I am that baby. Then every thing flooded back to me. This man, This angel was my guardian angel. I've known him all my life.


"Sup (Y/N)." It wasn't a question. It couldn't be. He knew the damn answer. He's been watching me this whole time. Iv'e known him since I could remember. Well since he'd restored my memory. 

So. I was pissed. Of course I was. As soon as I met the Winchesters he erased my memory of him. Just so he could fucking save himself. How selfish was that? And, yes, I might have slapped him after he stepped forward to talk or explain or give me whatever shitty excuse he can come up with. I didn't want to hear it. He doesn't get to explain. He was my only friend for years. And he just left.

"Heh. I guess I kinda deserved that." he stepped back and kind of even hid behind the brothers to rub his face for a second. "I guess hanging out with these guys made you a little tougher. Huh? You got taller too."

"Wait. Jus-just wait once second. What the hell is going on here?" said Dean still shocked that me and Gabe knew each other.

"Oh. I'll tell you whats going on." I said, still giving Gabe a hard glare. "This asshole abandoned me two years ago so that he could save his own ass." I then, whipped my head towards the brothers gaping faces. "And then he decided that it was a good idea to erase all my memories of him and just leave." He laughed. Why the hell is he laughing. He shouldn't be laughing. 

"(Y/N)." He almost stated softly. "I didn't leave you." He sighed "I guess you couldn't tell, but Iv'e been here. I have been with you this whole time. Just watching." Dean cleared his throat.

"The whole time?" Dean questioned. 

"Yeah. The whole time." He was now giving Dean a hard, way more than protective, almost jealous glare. "And I know that you two hooked up." Gabe pointed his index and middle fingers at me and Dean. Sam then whipped his head, his hair looking all shwishy and flying,  glancing in between us. We both just hung our heads shamefully. Dean let out that "Heh. oh shit" soft chuckle and peaked up at me.

"YOU WHAT?! WHEN?!" Sam was just freaked out now.

"About a year ago" I piped up and entered the conversation. 

"Wow." Sam ran his hand through his hair and released a small short laugh.

"And, pretty much every day since then." Dean added.

"Pfft. How the hell? Wait, wouldn't I have noticed this?"

"Why would you bring my memory back?" I left Sam unanswered and returned the conversation to Gabriel.

"I missed you (Y/N). I mean, yeah, Iv'e been here with you, watching over you. But I missed when you would smile when I was clumsy. Or how you would laugh at my sarcasm and wittiness. I miss how you tease me when I mess up. And how your eyes would light up when I brought you sweets. Instead I got to watch you and Dean hardcore flirt all day and I saw you eating pie without me and, shit, (Y/N), I just missed seeing you actually look at me." The angel that I had grown up with, forgotten, then remembered, looked at me with those same pleading eyes he gave me when I wouldn't forgive him for ripping the arm off of my favorite teddy bear.

"God damn it Gabriel." I breathed, I hesitated for a second, glancing up into those whiskey colored eyes that I developed a crush on when I was a kid. Heh. I bet he didn't know about that. I thought. "Fine I guess you can stay." stepped back and turned to Dean. "He can stay, right?" Ha, do the puppy eyes. He can't resist the puppy eyes. 

Dean groaned. "Yeah. I guess."

"And since Sam knows now." I said getting closer to Dean and then putting my hand on his arm. "We can actually, you know, date." I looked at Gabe. I knew he was hurting. I could see it in his eyes and his fake smile, still displayed with an almost joyful look form the news of hearing that he could stick around. He could possibly even help with cases. 

It didn't matter that he was hurting. He hurt me too. He would come home every night telling me about the girls that he had slept with in one night. He would brag the three-sums and the booty calls and about his damn porn. He would even bring women to our shared apartment and have sex there. And the whole time I stayed hopelessly devoted to him. 

The least you could do to get him back right now was actually be happy with someone. 


A.N. : Boom! exactly 1,209 words not counting the first authors note and this authors note and I dunno why but I am probably never going to stop saying how many words it has cuz I'm a little obsessed with length ;) (Sorry. I had no choice I had to make the comment) Now I feel really immature and stupid and imma just go now, and be done. So, peace homies.

OK, SO I just now realized that this isn't a "How You Met" because you have known him all his life so if you want , just comment if you want, but I am completely willing to write this from baby you POV. Just say the magic words.

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