Daddy (Dean x Reader)

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So I have decided to do a little time skippy here and this is like a little more than ten years after you guys has been together.  And no, the title has nothing to do with anything going on in your dirty dirty mind!

Also, this will be without Mary ever coming back, I am sure that one day I will write a imagine with Mary, but today is not that day.

Okay, so I am going to be choosing the genders of your children I am sorry but it honestly gets a tiny bit hard to to the whole parenthesis thing and gets a bit annoying to write and I'm sure it sometimes makes it harder to read as well. But if it's any consolation, I am letting you choose your children's name. (It's twins BTW)

If you can't think up an names I usually use the names Celeste for a girl's name (after Charlie R.I.P my queen) and Wally for a boy (Cuz I am Young Justice trash and my smol bean, K.F., is the cutest little thing on earth. R.I.P as well babe)

n/n= nick name 

Y/n= your name 

B/n=Boy's name

G/n= Girl's name

e/c= eye color

h/c=hair color

h/t= hair type (Ex. smooth, curly)

h/l= hair length


reader's POV

"Fuck- I mean, um shit- Uh, that wasn't any better was it?" My husband glanced down at me apologetically, then bent down to pick up the cup of apple juice that had just spilled all over the bunker's hard wood floors and then went to place it in the kitchen sink, letting the plastic of the cup knock over a fork that was holding up a whole delicate structure of stacked plates that then crashed unbroken into the bottom of the sink, making a clanging noise, alarming me and making me almost run into the kitchen. When I realized that it wasn't any kind of danger I walked over to the sink and grabbed the damp cloth that was in the sink.

I ran the warm water over the cloth. "It's fine Dean, the kids aren't close enough to have heard you." I said reassuring him that he wouldn't be in trouble with me for once again, swearing in front of our children. I went back into the living room (that we made in a corner of the bunker's library) after wringing out the cloth out and then bent over to soak up the juice with the towel and returned to the kitchen when I was done and then just threw the cloth into the sink, too lazy to take care of it.

"But they were just here a second ago." Dean whined as he walked over to me, right now we were in the living room I was leaning against the door frame When Dean snaked his arms around me, holding me close to his chest almost hugging me. I complied and wrapped my arms around his waist as I nuzzled my face into his chest, inhaling his scent of beer, gunpowder and he kind of smelled like my favorite perfume that I am one hundred percent guilty of just spraying all over our room and sometimes in his dresser drawers, just in case some other chick thought it would be okay to wear his clothes. I mark my territory. 

"I know right?" I looked up at him, my chin still in his chest "It's like they have super speed or something!" I threw my hands up and walked over then flopped on to the couch horizontally. Dean followed me.

 "I miss when they couldn't walk, or crawl, or talk. You know?" I nodded as he lifted my legs and sat and sank into the couch with my feet now resting on his lap. "I miss when we could just please them by having them sit in one of those bouncer things and we could just sit here watching them, completely undisturbed." He threw his hands up into the air almost as to surrender when he said 'completely' "Where did they go again?" he asked me in a slightly protective and curious voice.

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