Zits, Anxiety, and Bitches. Oh my! Pt. 2

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Part two to that DeanXReader that I really want to make into a separate book.

(b/f/n)= best friend's name


After I kissed Dean on the cheek I walked up to Mr. Drake and asked if I could go to the bathroom. After he dismissed me I sat in the bathroom until the bell rang. I don't know why, I just really liked how I exited and I know that Lenny saw me kiss Dean. I don't think I'm using Dean, I do like him. He's honest and witty, it doesn't hurt that he is totally hot. 

I walked to my fifth hour class after the lunch hour and sat down in the back row alone, only to be greeted by Dean already sitting next to my usual seat, grinning like a fool.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, obviously happy to see him.

"No-nothing," He cleared his throat and faced forward in his seat as I sat, I smile clear on my face. "I'm just glad to see a familiar face, really. I-"

"Dean, if you talk through this whole hour and get me in trouble with another detention I will not talk to you ever again." He looked at me with his mouth open for a bit. He was about to say something and I guess that I was smiling this whole time because I saw (b/f/n) turn in her seat and look in between me and Dean then raise an eyebrow.

"What's got you so happy?" She asked me, raising an eyebrow. 

"That might be my fault." Dean interrupted my conversation with my friend. He was right but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of telling him that so I just raised an eyebrow and tried not to smile. Maybe I'll smirk. Yeah, a smirk is okay. "Hi, I'm Dean." He smiled at (b/f/n) and then the bell rang. He turned to me and held a finger over his lips and whispered a  short "shh". I just smiled and shook my head. 

After class, (b/f/n) and I were walking down the hallway to my locker and Dean was trying his hardest to catch up with us.

"Why don't we just wait for him?"


"Because why (Y/n)?" 

"I don't know (B/f/n)." We got to my locker and in less than a minute, Dean caught up with us and just stood there as I went into the gates of hell (a.k.a. my piece of crap locker) and grabbed my biology textbook.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Dean said, rocking on his heels almost nervously beside my locker.

I gave a small smile by pressing my lips together awkwardly. "Hi." I closed my locker and started walking to my next class.

"Um," Dean caught up with me again. "can you help me find this class?" I stopped walking and turned to face him. I moved to the other side of the hallway and checked to see what his next class was. Sixth hour, Miss. Hoerd, Biology.

"Ugh." I sighed and looked at Dean. "Okay, just follow me." I walked toward the stair case.

"Hey slut." Jane Spencer, one of Lenny's many exes greeted me in the hallway and the pushed me into a fucking locker, knocking me into Dean and then making me drop my books. 

"Whore!" I shouted to her from down the hall. Dean helped me get balanced again and then looked at me like we was going to say something or ask me a question but then I guess he decided not to. 

After getting to the class Dean and I sat down, me in my seat, and Dean in the empty one in front of me. He waited until I got out the assignment that I have to turn in a couple days late until he turned around and started talking to me. 

"What was that?" I know what he's talking about but I don't really feel like telling someone that I don't know everything.

"Eh, nothing."

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