Cravings (SamXReader)

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I walked through the main room, into the kitchen. I wonder if I recently stashed any chocolate in here recently. I was about to get onto the counter so that I could reach my special cabinet when a moose burst into the room.

"God damn it Samantha!" I grabbed a stack of dill pickled flavored pringles and jumped from the counter. "You need to learn to knock!" Sam was just standing smiling, eventually walking towards me. Now he knows about my stash. 

"One, (Y/n), I thought we agreed that you wouldn't call me girl names anymore," To this I just shook my head. "two, we are in the kitchen. Why would I knock?" I just sighed and whined a bit and took a stack of chips out of the pringles tube. "Also, what's this?" NO!

"NO! Sammy please not my secret stash." His eyes widened a bit, as well as his smile. 

"A secret stash, huh? I wonder what we have in here." Sam just reached right into the cabinet and grabbed a bunch of different things from it. Of course he didn't need to stand on a stool. Fucking giant. "(Y/n) why do you have pie in here? It would get bad." Sam scolded.

"I only made that yesterday. Plus I wrapped the- um- wrap stuff over it. It's fine." I took his hand in both of mine  and made him walk a few steps away from the cabinet. He never put the pie back.

"At least put it into the fridge." He took his hand out of mine and did just that. 

"But then Dean will steal it!" I whined.

"It's safe." 


"Dean doesn't like nutella." he just said it out and simply like that. "No one really likes nutella. Why would you make a nutella pie?"  Come to think of it, I don't even like nutella. 

"Come on it's only like, six a.m. Lets go back to sleep." Is it really that early? I guess I was pretty hungry.


I was woken up to the sound of Dean voice through the halls with Sam still sleeping soundly next to me. "Any one need stuff from the store?" I unplugged my phone from its charger and put a pair of yoga pants over my bottomless legs then walked out the door, sweater in my hands, to Dean. 

"I need to go to the store." I grab some cash that I made in the diner that I work at. I am not really a fan of the idea of getting caught for credit fraud, so I wait tables at a small place about five miles from the bunker.

"For what? You stocked your special cabinet the other day."

"You know?" I feel so betrayed. So many pies have gotten bad because I needed to keep them from Dean but he knew about it this whole time. 

"Yeah." Damn it.

"I need to go to the store for lady shit if you must know."

"Ah." I slid on a pair of shoes and grabbed Dean's keys to baby out of his hand. I walked to the impala and opened the doors.

"Can I drive?" Dean just laughed and pretty much pushed me while getting into the driver's seat. "Rude."

I walked over to the other side of the car and sat in the passenger seat. 

"So what's been up with you lately?" Dean said as he started up the car. I just gave him a questioning look.

"What do you mean? Shits pretty much the same all the time. Unless you guys have started a new apocalypse, when that kind of stuff happens I get all worried about who'll die this time." Dean rolled his eyes but let out a small laugh

"No, I mean something about you is different. It's even weirder than when you and Sam got together. Have you guys been-" He wiggled his eyebrows and I sat plain faced. "you know?" I raised an eyebrow at him and gave him the death stare for awhile. Eventually he scoffed, giving up. "Your just weird. Okay? Well, weirder." 

Dean and I eventually got to the nearest market and I walked to the ladies special isle then moved around more. Pads... check. New eyeliner... check. Chocolate... check. Whiskey...check. More chocolate...check. Pringles...check.

"Yay." I whispered to myself as I peaked over the isle to find Dean. 

"Okay, are we done here?" I nodded my head and walked over to the counter, setting all of my crap onto the counter. I looked behind the check out person. Do I need condoms? Probably. I looked right behind the condoms, which were displayed on the counter. Size... As I spun the rack the sizes seemed to get bigger. This is way too distracting. Right behind the condoms were pregnancy tests. I thought about a lot in the next couple seconds. Naw. I'l just pay for this shit and go. I paid for the 22 dollars and 85 cents worth of crap that I need and started back to Baby. 

~four weeks later~

I woke up from my sleep by a feeling of burning in my throat and pounding in my head. I ran right to the bath room and woke Sam up in the process. 

"Oh my god- babe?" I heard Sam's still tired voice from the bed, he move from there to me quickly. Poor babe still looked half asleep. "Are you okay."

"Yea- No." I threw up into the toilet again. I coughed up the last bit of vomit in my mouth and then spit again. I looked up to see Sam was gone. I groaned and almost fell asleep. 

"Oh, hey. (Y/n)? Babe?" Sam sat down on the floor next to me and handed me a glass of water.

"Thank you Sammy." 

"No problem." Sam sat with me and rubbed my back. "So, what is this?"

"What is what?" I shall stall. 

"The whole throwing up thing. This is the second time this week and you haven't lost your appetite. It isn't the flu." Sam looked at me, his brows furrowed and his eyes worried. He had still just woken up so his hair was messed up as fuck. Only he could look this cute in his state. I gave Sam what I think was a smile. It was obviously fake, my face turned to a frown and we both say, leaning against the bathtub, still next to the toilet. 

"Sam, what if I'm-" I couldn't even finish that sentence. "I don't know if I can do that. I don't-"

Sam cut me off by cupping my face in his hands and wiped a stray tear that was attempting to roll down my cheek. "Hey, it's okay. If you are, we- we will find a way to make this work. Dean and I will stop hunting or-" I let out a stale laugh. 

"Yeah okay." I said, unconvinced. 

"No, really (y/n). I love you, and if leaving this life is what it takes to make you feel safe, I can do that." Sam held me in his arms and pulled me closer so that I was almost sitting on his lap. "We should really take a test before we get all worked up." I just nodded my head and sank deeper into his chest. 

"For, now, can we just go back to sleep?" We both started standing up.

"Of course babe." He held my hand as we walk back to bed. 

I fell asleep in Sam's arms back in the bed. Apparently we slept until noon, Dean busted in wondering if we had been fucking all day long.


I don't think I could have ended this better, but I still don't like it.

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