How You Met (CastielxReader)

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y/n= your name


Reader's POV

Ugh. I hate high schools reunions. I'll be forty in a couple years now and I'm still not married! I even know why. It's because after high school, when I went to college and my high school sweetheart didn't, we broke up. He was the most perfect boyfriend. So sweet and handsome. I could just die knowing that I had seen the most beautiful crystal clear eyes in the world and I really miss him. I think it might help if I stopped comparing every guy I ever talked to with him. I mean I've had dates in the past. I was even engaged once. 

Now I'm very happy with my two cats. One is pure black with blue eyes. Her name is Sabriel, named after the book character by Garth Nix. The other is white with yellow eyes her name is Jinx, named after a character written by Meg Cabot. As you can see, all I do is sit, reading, with my cats all day. And that is my life since college. I work in a small restaurant, sadly that means that I wait on at least half of my old class mates that get to see how pathetic my life is. But, hey at least I'm not 37, working at a crappy, little restaurant without a useless college degree.

I decided not to go to the reunion. If they want to see my failing life they can come in to eat, opening at nine and closing at five all week long. That was until my cousin asked if I was going. I knew what would happen if I said no. My nosy aunt would butt in and ask me why. I couldn't tell her that it was because I'm pathetic. She'll agree. So, I guess that in one week I am going back to high school. And I'm going to tough it out. 

Who knows maybe I'll see my ex again. Damn. I miss good old Jimmy Novak.


I've been at this thing for an hour and so far, I have gotten my period, my rubber band holding in my hair broke, and I still haven't seen Jimmy. I'm wearing the closest to formal thing I own. Which is a light tan dress with a black sash around the waist. Jimmy would have loved it. 

Damn it! why can't I stop thinking about him. It's been fifteen years! Eventually I decided that I would tell my cousin that the sushi they had here was messing with my stomach or something. 

As  walked over to my cousin I saw that she was talking to a man who's hair was messed up. Heh. Just like Jimmy's 24/7 sex hair. I thought for a second with a twinge of hope that I would see my old friend. 

Then someone tapped me on the shoulder. This just happened to really piss me off. So I whipped around, not knowing what to expect, and saw a woman who looked like she hadn't aged fifteen years, but still looked old, (If that makes any sense). Shit, it's Victoria Johnson. Next to her was a tall man who was probably rich  "(Y/N)!" this bitch that used to torment me breathed with passive-aggressive enthusiasm. " I didn't think you would show. I mean look at you" she unhooked her arm from her sugar daddy and gestured to my body, then my face. "You haven't really aged. Not even a wrinkle." She was right too. I was soon to be forty and I had practically no wrinkles. Something I actually prided my self on, but wasn't feeling as great about it after she said it the way she did. I mean sure Iv'e gained a couple pounds, but at least I still had my everlasting baby-face.

"And I didn't even need the Botox!" I returned wittily, in the same fake ass voice she had used when addressing me. That felt better than I could even describe. With a grin of triumph I turned back around to face my cousin. But she was gone. Instead I saw the one I had been begging to see all night. "Jimmy!" was all I could whisper.

"(Y/N)?" I have longed to hear this same voice for ever. It was so sweet and soft, so, SO caring! "I was still speechless. "It's been awhile." Heh. NO shit dude. WOW! I've become a sarcastic little ass-hole. 

 "Uh. Hi- I-I mean, Um. Yeah, it's been a long while." I let out a soft chuckle. Accepting now horribly awkward I am being and hating my self for it. 

He laughed too. THANK GOD!!!! "Yeah. I guess it's been a real long while." This was a thing we used to do as teens, just added on to each other's sentences and then continuing, seeing who could change the subject first. I was surprised he remembered.

We went outside and spent the rest of the night talking. he seemed different. Not a kind of difference that could happen even after fifteen years like he was, I guess the best way that I can describe it is worn. he was worn and weathered by life, like he had been thinking about a lot of bad shit recently. He shouldn't be. From what he had told me, he had a steady job, a *wince* wife and kid, and the whole picket fence life. They even went to church! He wasn't the same. And he wasn't my Jimmy anymore. he had also briefly hinted that he had an angel talking to him, coming to him in his dreams. I assumed that he was messing with me or had gone crazy.

Suddenly he said he had a bad headache, his eyes flashed blue, and not the color of his regular  diamond blue eyes. His whole eyes were shining, almost glowing blue. "Jimmy?"

"I am not Jimmy." and he was right. this couldn't be Jimmy. This could not be the man I once loved, the man I recently discovered that I am still in love with. This man's voice was cold and harsh, almost in monotone. This didn't even look like my love. His face was frozen into a bank stare. 

"Then who are you?" I sniffled, I was on the verge of crying now. I couldn't stand the fact that the only person that I had an actual conversation with since my parents passed, was just gone, or that I couldn't see him right now. The man, the thing, in side Jimmy didn't talk. "I asked you a question!" I raised my voice, feeling brave and glad that we weren't inside or around any people.

"I am Castiel," the man started walking towards me "an angel of the lord." he stood face to face with me. I was still crying, tears streamed down my face. I was fucking pissed now. He can't come in here and just take over Jimmy's body. I couldn't keep my rage in for long this man, or angel, this fucking monster that was keeping Jimmy from me was still standing there, just staring at me coldly. I don't think he knew what to do now. I didn't either. So I might have ended up doing one of the stupidest things that I have ever done. 

I punched the bitch in the face. Thank god right after that, with a flash of a bright blue light, he was gone and he didn't see me run back to my car and just cry. long enough to not realize that I had sprained my damned wrist. Shit!


 a.n. so this one is way longer than the others and I guess that's OK. and I'm also pretty sure that I will make a part two of this because I didn't really get to the cas x reader part where they actually get along or what ever. just comment if you want a part two. I'm also really tired after writing it so late and I am not going to proof read right now so I probably will soon but if you see this soon you get to see how over tired me writes. have fun!

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