Hug and Heckle

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Sunset growled low into Twilight's ear

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Sunset growled low into Twilight's ear.

The girl giggled, blushed, and pushed back against her wife. "You better get the veggies off the stove before they burn."

It had been a month and a half since the talk with Rainbow and weeks since she had moved in. The couple was in the kitchen preparing dinner while Rainbow relaxed on the sofa. She had offered to help but, for some reason, Sunset insisted she not get involved with any potential fires. Twilight knew Sunset didn't trust the girl's cooking skills.

After Twilight set the counter with dishes and set out an extra stool for Rainbow, she called dinner. Rainbow jumped to her new seat in a flash before Sunset had finished setting down the sizzling vegetables on a plate alongside the bread rolls.

They began eating in earnest since all were hungry due to their busy day working or, in Rainbow's case, training. She had to keep up her skills if she wanted a shot at any of the sports groups. It took little time for conversation to start up. Rainbow finished her first bread roll and spoke up to the chowing couple.

"I didn't know you two were into roleplay."

Twilight froze mid-bite. Sunset was slower to get it.

"What are you talking about?" the redhead took a fork full of warm veggies and devoured them. They may not have tasted the same with human taste buds, but she had sworn never to go near meat.

"Oh, you know," Rainbow shrugged. "Just never pictured you as a teacher."

Still, Sunset missed the over-obvious hint. Twilight was beet red and trembling.

Rainbow smirked now, obviously struck with some maniacal idea. She swiped Twilight's glasses from her face, put them on, and held up her hair to mimic Twilight's signature bun.

"Hey," Twilight started to object, though she could no longer really see the offender.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle," Rainbow made a bad impression of the girl's voice. "Please, Professor Shimmer, can I stay after class? I really want to get in some extra credit."

Twilight's face first hit her palms and then the table as steam came out of her ears from embarrassment. At this point, Sunset had become perfectly aware that Rainbow just might have overheard them last night. And they had been trying so hard to be quiet too.

"Geez," Rainbow let her hair down and her voice was back to its regular brashness. "Not even to your first anniversary and you're roleplaying? You've got to be running laps on Shining Armor and Cadance."

Sunset crossed her arms. "Don't you be going and telling other people. Got it?"

"Oh, pffft," Rainbow blanched. "Of course not. I'm not that kind of person. That's Rarity you're thinking of."

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