Raspberry Eyes

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You!" the resort staff member exclaimed once she had gotten close enough to the hot tub to recognize the occupants

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You!" the resort staff member exclaimed once she had gotten close enough to the hot tub to recognize the occupants. She almost dropped the server's tray she was holding upright. Her expression was similar to that of someone who had just bitten into a sour lemon thinking it was an innocent apple.

"You!" Rainbow echoed back, her own look of surprise plastered on her face. She nearly slipped off the tub's bench into the deep center.

Twilight looked back and forth between the server and the others. Judging by the strained posture Sunset now had, she guessed this girl was another past acquaintance. It didn't take long for Sunset to turn her initial apprehension into curiosity.

"What are you doing here, Adagio?" Sunset asked bluntly but not rudely. The wheels in her mind were still turning with a plan.

"Note the uniform," Adagio growled as politely as she could. If such a thing were possible.

The orange-haired girl was sporting a colorful resort vest over a white tank top clearly designed for skin exposure. It was typical for the outside staff to be dressed in a "beach-like" fashion that put the customers at ease with the resort's theme and mood. Her white shorts were tight and cropped, keeping just a few inches past the point where they might have been bikini bottoms.

In reality, Adagio's uniform was not much different than any other female staffer. However, the young woman's goddess-like form did more for the look than any other employee the Shimmer group had yet seen. Adagio's hips were wide, her rear packed, her waist thin, and her bust bountiful. There was little doubt she had filled out nicely since CHS and likely had put in extra work for those dimensions as well. Her curves were as good as they could be without being extreme or absurd.

The silence between them proceeded for an uncomfortable moment.

Until Rainbow broke it.

"So what now?"

Adagio turned as neutral as she could. "I can take your order, ma'am."

"Oh, I'm no ma'am," Rainbow stuck her noise up in pride.

"We know," Twilight and Sunset said in unison.

"The special today is-" Adagio began in monotone.

"-washed-up Dazzlings?" Rainbow snickered.

The tray almost hit the ground again. Steam could be seen blowing out of Adagio's ears. The girl trembled with rage.

"Rainbow," Twilight glared at her friend.

Sunset rubbed her wife's shoulder and nodded to herself. She indeed had a plan now. "Maybe it would be best to clear the air out first. Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah, what?"


"It's okay," Adagio lied in a mumble. "This is just a job."

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