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Twilight Sparkle sighed in contentment as her head laid against her wife's plush chest

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Twilight Sparkle sighed in contentment as her head laid against her wife's plush chest. They were in the bedroom of their villa at Hello Tropics resort. It was a scene that became familiar to them only a year prior. Somehow, it seemed like that was a lifetime ago now. The girl, temporarily without her glasses, nuzzled warm and half-asleep against her spouse's breasts.

"Long day," Sunset whispered out. "I hope our nap will get us through the night. Rainbow isn't going to be happy if we quit on her halfway through."

Twilight embraced Sunset tighter and snuggled more. "Mmm...boobs."

Sunset's brows flatlined and her hand stopped rubbing her wife's back. "Sometimes I get the feeling you're messing with me."

A cute giggle from the other girl let the redhead know she was even less asleep than she let on.

The warm fuzzy glow of the bedroom lights and naturally warm air made Sunset drowsy as well, but she wasn't about to knock out with their promise to Rainbow Dash. That girl was just a few rooms down in their villa, playing some video games in anticipation of their late night outings they had planned. Sunset would have been apprehensive about taking Rainbow with them if Twilight had not been so adamant about it. Sometimes Sunset wondered if her human-world Twilight hadn't learned more about friendship than she had.

"You're so selfless at times," Sunset remarked, "and then you go provoking me for your own enjoyment. Which is the real you?"

The soft jazz soundtrack playing at low volume on the bedroom's sound system, as quiet as it was, nearly drowned out Twilight's mumbled response. The vision-impaired girl kissed her way up to Sunset's neck. The lack of her glasses didn't prevent her from feeling her way in the direction she wanted to go.

"I'm not some evil mastermind, Sunny."

"Still a mastermind, though," Sunset countered. "Last week, I came onto you and you acted as if you were nervous about it. I think you're only confident when you think you're the one in charge. Even when you're really manipulating me into thinking that [i]I[/i] am."

"When did you care more about analysis than intimacy?" Twilight grinned, purposefully getting around what Sunset had said. "Just kiss me already."

"There you go again," Sunset turned suspicious and gripped Twilight's shoulders firmly. She kept the smooching Twilight just far enough away to prevent said smooching. "I'm going to give you what for and it's not going to be because you goaded me into it!"

Twilight squinted both because she was trying to make out Sunset's face and because she was wondering if Sunset really meant what she said. She tried reaching for her glasses on the nightstand, but Sunset reversed their positions on the bed, pinning Twilight down as was not uncommon in their nightly lives. The jazz music happened to pick up pace, but that was not what was on Sunset's mind.

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